
TitleValuation book, no.61
Valuation and report on properties in Trinity Street, Cambridge, the property of St Johns College (No. 18, occupied by Mrs Robinson, a University lodging house keeper, with the ground floor shop let to Mr Hamilton, tobacconist; No. 19 occupied by Miss Sippel as a music warehouse, by Mrs H. Brown, lodging house keeper, and by livery stables, formerly in the occupation of C.L. Porcheron, now Messrs Hopkins and Co; Nos. 33 and 34 in the occupation of Mrs Perry and her sub-tenants, including John Phillips Gray and Mrs Marshall, Sep 1892
Valuation and report on a cottage, garden and orchard adjoining Litlington Vicarage, the property of Clare College ("I have had over 25 years practice as a Surveyor and I can conscientiously state that I never in all my experience found a property left in such a disgraceful state of dilapidation and neglect"), Oct 1892
Report on Swaffham Bulbeck Estate, the property of Colonel R.J. Hamond and in the occupation of Messrs Newman, Dec 1892
Report on Quy Estate, the property of Messrs Francis and Francis, consisting of Mill Farm in the occupation of Mr Tuddenham (where there has been injury by rabbits), Mr Richard Ellis' farm, Magdalene College land proposed to be purchased by Mrs Francis, and a Little Wilbraham farm in the occupation of R. Moore, Dec 1892
Valuation of the Artichoke public house, with orchard and meadow land, in Croxley Green, Rickmansworth (Hertfordshire), Dec 1892
Valuation and report on Panton House Estate, Panton Street, Cambridge, proposed to be purchased by the Perse Trust, Dec 1892
Report on Cavendish College Estate, Hills Road, Cambridge, Jan 1893
Valuation of part of Timworth Green Farm, Timworth (Suffolk), the property of the Earl of Cadogan and in the occupation of William Harvey, Feb 1893
Valuation of part of the Culford Estate in Timworth and Ingham (Suffolk), the property of Earl Cadogan and in the occupation of William Harvey and B.B. Johnson, Feb 1893
Valuation and report on the Wendy Estate in Wendy and Croydon, the property of Captain William Skipwith and consisting of Vine Farm and Hall or Lower Farm in the occupation of William Jackson Russell and two other farms in the occupation of James Russell and James Richman, Mar 1893
Valuation of the Foxton Estate in Foxton, the property of Major Matthison, part (Foxton House) in hand and part (the Bleak House Farm) in the occupation of John Disbrey, Feb 1893
Report on land in Tenison Road, Cambridge, the property of Jesus College and in the occupation of Arthur John Gray, Apr 1893, with supplemental report, May 1893
Valuation and report on residence and business premises in Sidney Street, Cambridge, the property of C.S. Bulstrode, and proposed to be purchased by Trinity College, Apr 1893
Valuation and report on property in Thompson's Lane, Cambridge, the property of Swan Hurrell Esq and to be offered by auction, May 1893
Valuation and report on No. 1 Devana Terrace, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, Jun 1893
Report on proposed exchange of lands in Thorrington (Essex) between A. Kershaw Francis and Gonville and Caius College acting for and in behalf of the Perse Trust, Aug 1893
Valuation and report on an estate in Freckenham and Worlington (Suffolk), the property of Clare College and in the occupation of Edmund Rumbelow, Sep 1893
Valuation and report on Staples Farm, Ashton (Hertfordshire), the property of Kings College and in the occupation of Robert Penn, Oct 1893
Valuation and report on Nos. 1 and 2 Green Street, Cambridge, the property of David Munsey and in the occupation of W.G. Alderton, tobacconist, and Miss Laws, lodging house keeper (No. 1) and J.M. Chalis, lodging house keeper (No. 2), Nov1893
Valuation and report on Nos. 35, 36 and 37 Sidney Street, Cambridge, the property of the trustees of the Forrester's Charity Estates, leased to John Lincolne (No. 35) and C.S. Bulstrode (Nos. 36 and 37) and in the occupation of Messrs Lincolne and Son, grocers, and Mrs Mutimer, lodging house keeper (No. 35), W.H. Burgess, print seller, and G.H. Stevens (No. 36), Barnet William Beales, tailor and robemaker (No. 37), and C.S. Bulstrode (showroom at the back of Nos. 36 and 37), Nov 1893
Valuation and report on a small plot of ground on Shelly Row, the property of Clare College and proposed to be sold to the trustees of St Giles Schools, Dec 1893
Valuation and report on a farm in Cottenham, the property of Kings College and in the occupation of H. Christmas, Feb 1894
Valuation of a small piece of two small pieces of land adjacent to Fenners Ground, Cambridge, the property of Gonville and Caius College, in the occupation of S.N. Holmden and W. Prior as part of their gardens, and proposed to be purchased by the Committee of the University Cricket Club, Mar 1894
Valuation and report on estates in Standon (Hertfordshire) and Duxford, Whittlesford, Waterbeach, Wilburton and Strethall, the property of Ellen O'Connell and in the occupation of Andrew James Waller (mill and farm at Standon), Messrs Bird Brothers (arable land in Duxford), H.S. French (arable and pasture land Whittlesford), J.A. Arnold (pasture land in Whittlesford), J. Bicheno, J. Smith, A. Wilkin, John Benton, W. Burling, W. Brittain and Warrington Robinson (arable in Over), Joseph Baxter (farm in Waterbeach Fen), B. Warren (land in Wilburton), and W.S. Emson (land at Strethall), Mar 1894, and supplemental valuation, Mar 1894
Valuation of Jonas Leonard's enfranchisement (Manor of Soham Rectory), Mar 1894
Valuation and report on an estate in Westoning (Bedfordshire), the property of Gonville and Caius College and proposed to be sold to Mr Forder, Apr 1894
CreatorNameBidwell and Sons, Cambridgeshire, auctioneers
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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