
TitleConfirmation (inspeximus) by Elizabeth I in form of royal letters patent
DescriptionOf: (a) Writ certerari of Elizabeth [1583] to Exchequer concerning pleas of crown concerning half-hundred of Exning before justices itinerant, 14 Edward I, and record of same in which abbot of Battle, William de Valence and Reginald de Argenteun successfully claim liberties of frankpledge, assize of bread and ale, fair and markets, but claims to gallows are quashed (examined by Arthur Agarde and Christopher Fenton, 25 April 1573. (b) Writ of Edward II [1317] to sheriffs of Norfolk and Suffolk inquire into alienated hundreds and royal liberties, return and inquisition stating rights of abbot of Bury, prior of Ely, bishop of Norwich, John de Claverynge, earl of Richmond, Edmund de Hemegrave, earl of Lancaster and vills of Ipswich, Dunwich and Orford to hundreds and return of writs, and also hundreds (including half-hundreds of Exning) in King's hands. (c) Letters patent of Henry VI [5 April 1448] confirm grant (?) [The document much damaged at this point] of 1444 of 100 shillings from Exchequer and form of half-hundred of Exning and granting in addition free warren in lands in Exning, Landwade and Ditton Camoys (in Wood Ditton) and exemption from attendance upon justices itinerant for tenant in Exning and Newmarket. Dated 25 Edward I. (Damaged by rodents, damaged first great seal of Elizabeth I)
Date27 April 1583
CreatorNameCotton family of Madingley and Landwade
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives

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