
TitleLicence in form of royal letters patent.
DescriptionTo surrender 140 acres and 20s rent with appurtenances to Geoffrey Somerton and Walter Marewe alias Merewe so that they may grant these with two parts of manor of Exning Valens which were formerly of Mary de Sancto Paulo, late countess of Pembroke, manor of Exning Jardyns in Cambs and Suffolk, with appurtenances, and also a weir, 3acre meadow, land yielding 2s 6d rent and view of frankpledge of hamlet of Reach with appurtenances in Burwell and Reach to Drew Barantyn, citizen and goldsmith of London, John Hale, Henry James, John Stodesbury, John Blok, clerks, William Randolf, John Frenssh, Thomas Senycle, John Selman, John Fray, John Credy, William Est, Guy Katermayn, William Beel and John Wissynasete. King Henry [IV] to Richard Yate. ('Elongata' and long seal tag for great seal. For the enrolment see 'Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1408-1413' , p. 143)
Date1 November 1409
CreatorNameCotton family of Madingley and Landwade
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives

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