
TitleFeoffment of messuage called Brown's, 150 acres arable, 3 acres meadow and 20s rent with liberty of one faldage in Fordham, Landwade, Isleham, Chippenham ('Chepyngham') and Exning.
DescriptionWilliam Lelye, John Grade of Landwade, Thomas Baker, clerk, and William Peytewyn of Fordham to Thomas Cotton of Cambs, Walter Cotton of Cambs, Walter Cotton, citizen and mercer of London, and William Grace, son and heir of Richard Grace of Norfolk and Richard Berehors of Fordham. Witnesses: Robert Barnard, John Borlee of Isleham, John Rous of Fordham, John Norfolk of Chippenham, John Gladewen of Exning. Four red seals with monogram devices, all in good condition, 2 on tags made from draft. (Calendared by Palmer, no. 39)
Date23 November 1419
CreatorNameCotton family of Madingley and Landwade
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives

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