
TitleFeoffment of 9 acre arable in Westfeeld, Bakedenefeld, Harberwefeld, Southfeld and Wyndmellefeld, Exning, as parcels of 30acre and a pightle which John Gardener the younger had.
DescriptionJohn Gladewyn of Exning, William Peytevyn of Fordham and Richard Bockyng of same to Walter Cotton and Thomas Cotton, both of Landwade. Witnesses: Robert Bernard of Isleham, John Borlee of same, John Connesby, clerk, of Snailwell, Henry Tredegold of Exning, Robert Wyot of same. two seals only, with deeply incised monogram devices. (Badly stained).
Date3 May 1432
CreatorNameCotton family of Madingley and Landwade
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives

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