
TitleLease for eight years.
DescriptionOf site of Manor of Bansteade alias Benstede in Cheveley with houses, closes etc at present in lessee's occupation and of 5 acres called Woode Highe Filde or High Filde Woode, closes called Shortecrofte and Gyebes and meadow called Gybes Pytell in Cheveley lately in occupation of Thomas Smythe of Ashley, yeoman, with covenants for lessor's entertainment when he holds his court baron there and for regulation of agriculture. John Cotton, esquire, son and heir apparent of Sir John Cotton of Landwade, knight, to Henry Pratt of Cheveley, yeoman. Fractured armorial seal.
Date20 December 1588
CreatorNameCotton family of Madingley and Landwade
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives

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