
TitleManor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Bundle of Admissions, &c.
DescriptionContaining: 1. Admission of Edric Pusant, on surrender of William Hoult, to messuage and orchard, 22 April 1639. 2. Admission of Richard Swynborne, on surrender of Edric Pusant, to property as in 1. above, 4 May 1641. 3. Admission of R. Swynborne and Philippa his wife, on surrender of R. Swynborne, to property as in 1. above, 5 May 1647. 4. Admission of John Payne and others to Philippa Swynborne widow of Linton. Release of all claims to piece of land sold for 24s. 27 October 1659. 5. Admission of John Odell, on surrender of Robert Swinborne, to properties as in 1 and 4 above, 9 October 1671. 6. Admission of john Bitten, on surrender of Anne Bitten, to messuage called Le Griffen in Linton, and Surrender by said John Bitten, to John Turner, of same, 14 December 1683. 7. Admission of John Turner on surrender 6. above, 11 November 1685. 8. Admission of John Hockley, after a Recovery, to a shop and 10 acres arable in Linton, 22 September 1691. 9. Surrender by Joseph Sparrow of Saffron Walden, to Thomas Hockley of Linton, of piece of ground adjoining the Griffin, 15 June 1711.
CreatorNameFrancis & Co: Cambridgeshire Manorial Records
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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