
TitleWillingham Cartulary: School.
Description24 June 1593. Foundation of school: (a) List of subscribers. (b) Articles and Orders agreed by the inhabitants. Cf R59/4/1/1. 18 March 1622. Cambridge Assizes: Order by Sir John Dodderidge for continuance of school. Cf. R59/4/1/2. 13 November 1708. Manor of Willingham: Conditional Surrender by John Crouch, to Churchwardens of Willingham, of messuage with buildings, common rights and 7½ acres arable as security for £144 School money and interest at 5%. 14 November 1700. Codicil to Will of William Saywell, D.D., Master of Jesus College, Cambridge, bequeathing yearly rent of lands worth £10 p.a. to school-master in Willingham 'for encouragement to the said Schoolmasters to teach the Children of the same parish their Catechism & Prayers'. Probate, 3 July 1701. 6 December 1708. Will of Samuel Saywell, brother and executor of William Saywell deceased, confirming his brother's legacies and bequeathing lands in Willingham and Over, and rent of Drove Way to be divided among poor of Willingham, Bluntisham and Earith. Probate, 4 August 1709. Memos of Bonds for School money: 2 February 1712, Rowland Newman and Richard Syndrey - for £10 and interest; February 1676, Jerom Crispe and Henry Crispe - for £6 and interest; 2 February 1710, William Ingle - for £10 and interest.
CreatorNameFrancis & Co: Cambridgeshire Manorial Records
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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