
DescriptionChristopher Batholomew of Angel Court, Great Windmill St. Piccadilly, Mddx. yeoman. Occupied land in parish of St. Mary, Islington belonging to George Thornhill Esq. of Diddington, Hunts. Mr. Benjamin Tate and Mary his wife, Mrs Mary Belitha and their several devisees since their death occupied both estates forming 1 large farm from 1766 to .....Christmas 1794, he was followed by Mr. Thomas Harrison the present occupier. His father Robert Bartholomew occupied jointly the 2 estates from termination of leases to Winchester till his death 1766. Both he and father enjoyed rights of way through Barnesbury Lane from Hilley Fields to Back Rd. Islington, or Holloway Rd. Also right of way through Hillfield Lane and Great Conduit Lane. Great and Little Bowling Alley fields used for sport of public cricket and other games.
Date15 Jun. 1808
CreatorNameThornhill Collection
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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