
Title"Bonds Discharged"
DescriptionSub-bundle of bonds discharged in 1803, and between 1816-1824. Contains Corporation bonds with Ann H. Abdy; Thomas Walker; William Greaves Beaupre Bell; Dinah Hope; William Wandby; John Fryer; Thomas Orton; Charles Philip Yorke, Earl of Hardwicke; Henry Sweeting; Joseph Little; John Bayley; William Ferrar; John Morse; Thomas Ground; Samuel Davis; John Mortlock, on behalf of the Commissioners for Littleport District; Thomas Waddington; Dr Wharton Peck; James Theobald; John Sheppard; Thomas Rammell; James Christmas Arthur Humphreys; William Best; Richard Dunthorne; Benjamin Peke; Lady Henrietta Howard; James Underhill; James Watson; Matthew Wyldbow; Mary Richards; William Hodgson; Edward Shute; Samuel Egerton; Charles Nalson Cole; Ann Hepzibah Whitton; Mary Farlow; William Cole; John Plumb; William Webber; John Morgan; Mary Winter; Harry Spencer Waddington; William Lee and John Thurlow Dering.
Date1756 - 1824
CreatorNameBedford Level Corporation
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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