
DescriptionYearbooks given to members of the Council featuring a week to view diary containing the dates of all Committee and Council meetings for the year and information to help support work for the Corporation. This information changed gradually but most often included: a description of the Corporation Arms; names and addresses of the Mayor, Aldermen and Councillors for each ward; the names of Ward Aldermen; a plan of the council seating chamber; lists of Committees, including the names of members and their duties; standing orders of the Council; an order of precedence; a list of the Mayors of Cambridge since 1835; a list of Recorders since 1494; a list of High Stewards since 1529; a list of Clerks of the Peace since 1836; a list of town clerks since 1418; names of the current officers of the Corporation; a list of current Members of Parliament; a list of Council representatives on outside bodies; a list of current Justices of the Peace; a list of Trustees of Cambridge Municipal Charities; a list of visitors of the Cambridgeshire, Isle of Ely and Borough of Cambridge Mental Hospital; a list of schools administered by the Borough Committee of Education; regulations and charges for letting county schools; statistics relating to the Borough including rateable value and population; classification of trunk and county roads; numbers of local and parliamentary electors; a breakdown of the census population by ward; details of alterations to street names following the boundary charge of 1912; a list of common land within the Borough; an account of the history of Cambridge fairs; notes regarding cemeteries; regulations and charges for letting rooms in the Guildhall; details of hackney carriage fares; a bidding prayer and details of sermons read for those leaving the Corporation bequests. Each year book is indexed at the back.
CreatorNameMunicipal Corporation of Cambridge
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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