
AltRefNoFE 296
TitleChancery Decree: Wistow Rectory
DescriptionJ. Pedley Esq and Susanna Palmer, widow surviving executor of Sir Nicholas Pedley, qr. J. Bigg, Esq., (surviving trustees for Sir Nicholas Pedley) and Ann Pedley infant daughter of Nicholas Pedley deceased, who was brother of the plaintiff by her guardian, dfts. Bigg is ordered to assign to J. Pedley the term of 40 years if Wistow Rectory (which had been granted in trust by Sir Nicholas Pedley's will, 292 above) since J. Pedley has declared he has no intention of taking orders and the trust should therefore be void and the presentation return to the owner of the manor. Receipt for costs, £13-16-6 paid by Pedley to Bigg.
Date30 November 1702
CreatorNameEarl of Feversham
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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