
TitleSettlement after marriage pursuant to articles before marriage (by [lease] and release)
Description1. John Kent the younger and Mary his wife, lately called Mary Cozens, spinster. 2. John Cozens of Lolworth, Cambridgeshire, gentleman, father of Mary Kent and Henry Kent of Bluntisham, Huntingdonshire, gentleman. Recites: articles of agreement of 18 October 1769. Now, Kent to 2, to hold to the use of Kent for life, then to the use of Mary his wife for her life, then to the use of heirs of 1, and finally, in default of such heirs, to the use of Kent, his heirs and assigns for ever. The toft, etc, as in 2575/T3 and the lot of fen land in Sutton Mead Lands in the parish of Sutton in the Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire (7a), now in the occupation of Kent, and all other Kent’s freehold messuages, lands, etc in Colne and Sutton.
Date27 February 1770
CreatorNameKent Family
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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