
Description1. Charles Field of No. 1 Robert Street, Fulham Road, Brompton, Middlesex, esquire, and Frances Elizabeth Margaretta his wife. 2. Samuel Linford of Spring Terrace, Wandsworth Road. 3. James Ivyleafe of 3 Park Village, West Regents Park, Middlesex, esquire. Recites: 1) will of James Fitzpatrick of Frimley, Surrey, esquire, 20 February 1793. He devised his freehold, leasehold and copyhold lands, etc, and all his real and personal effects to trustees for his 3 children, James Staines, Thomas and Alice, and for their children; 2) the death of James Fitzpatrick in 1806; 3) James Staines Fitzpatrick had one daughter only, namely the above Mrs Field; 4) grant 1 to 2, in consideration of £500, an annuity of £50 16s 0d chargeable upon Mrs Field’s equal third share in all the estates and effects of the late James Fitzpatrick, 20 December 1836; 5) discharge, 2, in consideration of £300, releases 1 and the lands, etc from the payment of the annual sum of £24, part of the above annuity,12 October 1843; 6) 3 has agreed to lend £800. Now, in consideration of £200 to 2 and £600 to 1, paid by 3, 1 release and 2 quit claims to 3 the share and interest to which Mrs Field is, or may become, entitled in the freehold messuage in St James Street in parish of St George Hanover Square, Middlesex, the 2 freehold messuages and tenements in Bennett Street in the same parish and now numbered 1, 2 and 3 Bennett Street respectively, the freehold messuage with the manufactory and workshops in Whitecross Street in the City of London, let at the yearly rent of £30, and the two sums of £520 8s 2d each 3% Consolidated Bank Annuities, now standing in the name of the Accountant General of the High Court of Chancery. And 2 quit claims and 1 covenant with 3 to surrender into the hands of the Lord of the Manor of Offord Cluny with Offord Darcy, Huntingdonshire, to the use of 3 the share and interest to which Mrs Field is, or may become, entitled in the copyhold messuage or homestead and orchard and the plot of land in Offord Cluny (5a 1r 23p) and the other plot of land in Offord Cluny (19a 1r 1p), which were allotted by the Inclosure Commissioners to the late James Fitzpatrick, and which are now in the occupation of William Reed at the yearly rent of £50. And 2 quit claims and 1 assign to 3 for the residue of the term of 15 years created by a lease of 16 June 1832, from the Mayor and Corporation of the City of London. The share and interest to which Mrs Field is, or may become, entitled in the piece of land, with the messuages and other tenement thereon erected, on the north side of Wormwood Street in the City of London, being 22ft 8in by 21ft 6in, and abutting on the west a Charity School and on the north Bishopsgate churchyard. Endorsed: memorandum that by indenture of 14 October 1854 Field covenanted with John Brown, the purchaser of 1 Whitecross Street, for the production of this and other title deeds.
Date15 November 1844
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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