
TitleLease for a year
Description1. John Snary of Whittlesea in the Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire, farmer, and Mary his wife, and Carina Atkins of Ramsey, Huntingdonshire, widow (Mary and Carina being sisters and devisees in the will of Ann Billale late of Ramsey, widow, deceased). 2. John Dixson of Ramsey, gentleman. 1’s Loadsend Lot (8a), abutting next the drove way leading from the River Nene to Guinea Dick’s Gravel east, the lot of Robert Boyden late Alcock’s north, the lot of 2 alter Middleton’s south, and Middlemore Drain west, now in the occupation of 2. (The release to 2 which should accompany this lease is missing.)
Date25 April 1758
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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