
TitleBargain and Sale with Feoffment
1) Henry Williams alias Cromwell of Ramsey, esquire, Lord of the Manor of Ramsey
Henry Williams alias Cromwell of Ramsey the younger his son and heir apparent
2) John Fryer of Ramsey, yeoman
In consideration of an agreement made between (1) and the tenants of the Manor and in obedience of a decree of the High Court of Chancery, (1) have bargained and sold to (2) the following within the Manor -
Parcel of land (1a.1r.) lying in a place called Muchwood; parcel of fen ground (4a.) lying in "Stockin Fenn"[Stocking Fen]; parcel of fen ground (3a.) lying in a fen called "Broddoalls"; parcel of fen ground (6a.) lying in a fen called "The Hallow" [the Hollow?]; parcel of fen ground (8a.) lying in a fen called "Ramsey Kingsdelfe" [Kings Delph]; parcel of fen ground (4a.) lying in a fen called "Ramsey Curfenn"[?]
The above are now in the possession of (2) "as they fell to him by lottery in the right of the house wherein he Now Dwells in Ramsey aforedsd upon the lat Devision and encloseinge of the sayd Fenns and grounds"
To the use of (2) forever in consideration of which (2) has granted to (1) and their heirs one annuity or rent charge of 2s.2d. issuing out of the aforesaid premises in lieu of all "Tenths, Tythes, Rents & Services", to be paid yearly to (1) at the Feast of St Michael the Archangel, provided that the grant of the rent charge is only upon the premises, and not upon the person of (2). If the rent charge is unpaid ten days after the Feast of St Michael then for ever after it shall be lawful for (1) and their heirs or their bailiffs to enter and distrain the Distress and Distresses [chattels] and to impound and detain the same until the rent charge with arrears is paid. If it is not paid within a further ten days, then (1) shall sell the said distresse and pay themselves the rent charge and return the extra to (2)
Warranty Clause
Endorsed: Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Ed. Andrewe, Tho. Reynalds
Parchment, English
Originally one pendant seal, now missing
Date17 February 1656
CreatorNameManor of Ramsey
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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