
TitleBargain and Sale with Feoffment
1) Silius Titus of Bushey, Hertfordshire, Esq., Lord of the Manor of Ramsey
2) John Fryer of Earith, labourer, late one of the customary tenants of Ramsey Manor
In consideration of an agreement made between Henry Williams alias Cromwell Esq., and Henry Williams alias Cromwell junior, his son and heir, and the tenants of Ramsey Manor in obedience of a decree of the High Court of Chancery [see 5623/1/15], (1) bargains and sells to (2) the following:
Parcel of fen ground (3a.3r.) lying in Stocking Fen, abutting east upon the Drove, and north upon ground late Alcocks
Parcel of fen ground (6a.) lying in "the hollow" abutting west upon the great drove and east upon "the Twelve Foot Drain"
Close of pasture, "morish" or fen ground (3a.1r.) lying in "Brodalls" [Broadalls] abutting east upon the great drove and south upon ground of Richard Mitchell
Parcel of land ground (1a.1r.) lying in Muchwood abutting north upon "Bodsey Geat" [Gate], and east upon land of Thomas Newton
Parcel of "morish" or fen ground (8a.) in "Meerside" [Mereside] abutting north and east upon the great drove and ground late of Luke Hewson
All of which lands fell to (2) "upon the late devision of the Fenns in Liew of Comon & in Right of one Comonable & Customarie Messuage scittuate in the Little White [Whyte] of Ramsey" lateley sold by (2) to Miles Berniffe.
In consideration of this grant (2) has granted to (1) and his heirs one annuity or rent charge of 2s. issuing out of the premises in lieu of "all Tenths, Tythes, Rents & Services" to be paid yearly on the Feast of St Michael the Archangel. If the rent is upaid ten days after this Feast [see 5623/15 for these conditions]
Owen Fann of Ramsey is appointed by (1) as his attorney
Endorsed: Quiet and peacable possession with livery of seisin was first taken by the said Owen Fann as attorney for Silius Titus, of which he then delivered the same to John Fryer, in the presence of James Taylore and Simon Smyth
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Eliz. Petit, Sara Jones, William Cole
Parchment, English. Originally one pendant seal, now missisng
Date13 August 1684
CreatorNameManor of Ramsey
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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