
TitleLetter from A. G. Stapleton, Kensington [London] to the Duke of Manchester
DescriptionFrom a bundle labelled "Irish Elections".
The government is "a decidly Popish one": Lord A. is "in the hands of the Jesuits", "Gladstone is all but a Papist..." (etc). They are all unworthy of confidence. What ought to be the course of the Protestant party in the meantime?. They should set themselves free of anyone who is lukewarm, including the late premier and the leader of the House of Commons. Joseph Napier has the moral courage and ability to lead them. He encloses an address that he has also sent to the Primate and the Church of England Society and he hopes to eventually circulate it more widely. They will do for the Protestants of Ireland what they are unable to do for themselves.
Date4 Jan 1853
CreatorNameThe Montagu family of Kimbolton Castle: estate and family papers
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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