
TitleLetter from Hannah More, Barley Wood [Somerset] to Millicent Sparrow, Brighton
DescriptionMrs More acknowledges receipt of letters from Millicent and Lady Olivia. Mrs More is indignant at the dismissal of Charles Grant and expresses satisfaction at the growth in piety amongst society but thinks there is little progress in female manners and habits with comments on Bath as to the activities and dress of young girls and how this feeds into later behaviour. Mentions the Convention and hoped for effect on Royal life and reference to Royal Chaplain who is known for his discretion and piety. She covers visits from the Bishop of Gloucester (who has suffered a flood in his house causing much damage), Bishop of Bristol and the Bishop of St David’s. Ends by expressing the hope Lady Olivia’s health will improve.
Date11 January 1822

CreatorNameThe Montagu family of Kimbolton Castle: estate and family papers
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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P/0066Bernard Sparrow (nee Acheson); Lady; Olivia (c.1775-1863); of Brampton Parkc.1775-1863
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