
TitleManor of Upwood. Copy of Court Roll.
DescriptionConditional Surrender by Ann Wiltshire of Upwood, spinster, of her copyhold messuage in Upwood, with a close of pasture (2 ac) adjoining, and 15 ac of arable land in the open and common fields of Upwood, all of which were late the estate of William Allred, her uncle, deceased, and formerly of John Gregory and by him purchased of James Olliman, 12 ac of arable in the open and common fields of Upwood and a pightle or close of pasture (3ac) all of which were her uncles and formerly Gregorys, close of pasture in Upwood (3 ac), the messuage with a pightly, formerly Pells, 17 ac of arable, meadow and leys, formerly Pells and a certain piece of meadow in Newmeadow, which were also her uncles, to the use of William Hill of Lilford, Northants, farmer, for securing the repayment of a loan of £600. Endorsed: Warrant to enter Satisfaction. 1st July, 1812. Hill authorizes the Steward to enter up Satisfaction for the above conditional Surrender.
Date16th January, 1807
CreatorNameFellowes family, Lords de Ramsey of Abbots Ripton
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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