
DescriptionHon. Coulson Churchill Fellowes of Abbots Ripton Hall, Capt. in H.M.'s Regiment of First Life Guards, Rt.Hon. Matthew White Viscount Ridley, Rt.Hon. Edward George Villiers Earl of Derby and Hon. Francis Hyde Villiers, H.M.'s Minister at Lisbon, trustees of the Marriage Settlement of 9th February, 1904, of Hon. Mr and Mrs Stanley, and Hon Ferdinand Charles Stanley of Knowsley Prescot, Lancs., Capt. in H.M's Army, and his wife, Alexandra Frances Anne, one of the daughters of Lord De Ramsey, to Lord De Ramsey. £6,000. From all claims re her fifth share of the £2,000.
Date1st June 1910
CreatorNameFellowes family, Lords de Ramsey of Abbots Ripton
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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