
TitlePhotocopies of Landwade parish records
DescriptionMade by kind permission of the vicar of Exning with Landwade (originals now in the Bury St Edmunds branch of the Suffolk Record Office), 21 July 1964. Catalogued by P.C. Saunders, August 1977. The parish of Landwade stands in a anomalous position as the single Cambridgeshire parish in the diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich (it is part of Fordham for civil purposes). In recent times the parish has been regarded as a chapelry of Exning, though its earlier connections seem rather to have been with Burwell, Fordham Priory having held the advowson of the conjoined churches in the middle ages. In practice the church has never been much more than a private chapel of the Lords of Landwade, but, unusually, it retained its parochial status at a time when other seigneurial chapels lost theirs. In the sixteenth century Landwade came into the hands of the Cotton family and the church was re-built (see W.M. Palmer 'Landwade and the Cotton family', Proceedings of Cambridge Antiquarian Society xxxviii (1939), 1-49). Incumbents of local parish churches continued to supervise the church. A register bill for 1638 is noted by Palmer as signed by the vicar of Cheveley, but increasingly the church came under the aegis of the vicar of Exning. It is as a chapel of Exning that Bacon refers to Landwade in his Liber Regis (1786), possibly taking as his source of information Willis's identical statement in his Cathedrals, ii, 401. William Cole points out the latter as an error in his Gens Cottoniana Cantabrigiensis of 1763 (588/F43), and though he probably had too inflexible view of the relationship, Landwade probably was served by the vicar of Burwell at this time. It is noteworthy that Cole later corresponded with the vicar of Burwell, Henry Turner, advising him upon monuments in the church (see P18/1/6). The surviving register transcripts which were formerly in the diocesan registry at Ipswich (cf W.M. Palmer, 'Landwade and the Cotton family', Proceedings of Cambridge Antiquarian Society xxxviii (1939), 1-49, p 13) are now in the Bury St Edmunds branch of the Suffolk Record Office and cover the years 1638-1640 only. Between 1692 and 1736 Landwade entries were also made in the Exning parish register, partly duplicating those in the original from which the transcript here catalogued was made. This register is now in the Suffolk Record Office (their ref: FL 567/4/3) and a photocopy of the Landwade section is available here (TR 770/1). Of the Landwade parish register from 1835 to which Palmer refers nothing is now known.
Datecirca 1890-1944
CreatorNameCopies of documents elsewhere
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives

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F/0003Cotton; family; of Madingley Hall and Landwade; Baronets Cotton1423-1871
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