
Dates13th Century-1821
Person NameCromwell; family; Lords Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland (1653-1659)
ActivityLandholders in Wales, Huntingdonshire, Wimbledon and various other locations throughout England. Various members of the family were courtiers, Justices of the Peace, Members of Parliament, Sheriffs of Huntingdnshire and Cambridgeshire, Chancellors of Oxford University, Chancellor of the Exchequer, soldiers, attorneys, tithe collectors and two members of the family rose to be named Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland.
Linked entries in the catalogue
KAcc731/DMuniments of Title
KAcc731/FMiscellaneous Deeds
KAcc731/APublic Central
KAcc731/EEstate Papers
KAcc731/J/174Copy of a poem by Waller
KAcc731/D/44Release from Mrs Bromsall to William Cromwell
KAcc731/B/16Declaration of the adherence of Sir Charles Coote and his men to the Parliamentary cause.
KAcc731/J/177Diary, anonymous
KAcc731/GLetters to and from Members of the Cromwell Family
KAcc731/H/137Abstract of writings belonging to Mr Cromwell [2 versions].
KAcc731/K/191Act of Assessment.
KAcc731/D/47Mortgage [part only] between: 1. Richard Cromwell; 2. Peter Le Heap.
KAcc731/H/165Signature 'H. Cromwell' and two seals
KAcc731/G/63Oliver Cromwell to Col. Norton; further plans for the above marriage discussed with Mr Major
KAcc731/F/53Declaration of trust for properties in Ireland
KAcc731/M/209Escutcheon used at the funeral of Thomas Cromwell
KAcc731/D/31Bargain and sale between Henry Cromwell and Dr Robert George
KAcc731/H/148Deposition concerning the estate of Henry Cromwell.
KTORK/6/110Articles of Agreement.
KAcc731/H/164Printed engraving of a bust of Oliver Cromwell
KAcc731/K/198Newspaper account of the discovery of the body of Charles I at Windsor.
KAcc731/J/172Testament of King Louis XVI
KAcc731/N/213Contemporary MS transcript of Charles II's instructions of 13 April 1661, confirming Henry Cromwell's ownership of the lands referred to in 731/211.
KAcc731/H/146Draft petition for the pardon of Henry Cromwell
KAcc731/G/103Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; health matters.
KAcc731/C/25Rental and accounts of Lord Henry Cromwell at Dalby, Leicestershire
KAcc731/K/194A Modest Vindication of Oliver Cromwell; anon.
KAcc731/A/8Warrant of Oliver Cromwell to Colonel Robert Gibbon of Jersey
KAcc731/G/77? Henry Cromwell to ? Lord Broghill, asking his favour.
KAcc731/B/15Report by Henry Cromwell to the Proctector
KAcc731/J/173Letter by Susanna Morgan to 'Sweet Mrs', from Chepstow Castle
KHP46/30/6/9Henry Cromwell
KAcc731/B/20Lease of lands in Strabane, County Tyrone; with Great Seal of Ireland
KR/R2/3/1Copy of Royal Grant
KAcc731/L/203Life of Oliver Cromwell by William Harris; printed, London.
KAcc731/G/107Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; pious plattitudes and family news.
KAcc731/J/175A paper with unidentified characters [a code?] marked 'Valuable'
KAcc731/G/133W. Cromwell to his niece, Miss Suky Cromwell; family news.
KAcc731/H/142Epitaph of Elizabeth Claypole
KAcc731/C/24Accounts and rentals of the Seigniorie of Gower, Pembrokeshire, and the manors of Dalby and Broughton
KHAC2/2007Cromwell pedigree, manuscript
KAcc731/G/125Rachell Pengelly to Dr George Gibson; arranging a meeting with her husband.
KAcc731/H/158List of bequests by Elizabeth Cromwell
KAcc731/G/81Major Henry Cromwell to his wife; family matters; postscript by 'kinsman' O. Cromwell Williams.
KAcc731/B/18Account of the state of the revenue of Ireland, presented to the Lord Deputy
KAcc731/CManorial records
KAcc731/E/51Copies of abstracts from Court rolls of the Manor of Durants, Enfield, Middlesex
KAcc731/H/160Account of Mr Richard Cromwell, receiver of Sir Thomas Palmer's estate, from 29 July 1739
KHAC0/746The Court and Kitchen of Elizabeth, commonly called Joan Cromwell, the wife of the late Usurper.'
KAcc731/G/73Sir Francis Russell to Henry Russell, concerning the estate of his late son-in-law General Reynolds.
KAcc731/D/48Terms of the proposed marriage settlement between Lt. Col. Armstrong and Miss Hayward
KAcc731/D/41Papers concerning the disposal of the estate of Elizabeth Cromwell, daughter of Richard Cromwell; executors, her nephews Henry and Richard Cromwell
KAcc731/H/151Licence to Henry Cromwell to return to London.
KCON/3/3/C/3Final Concord
KHAC0/848/4Manor of Wistow; Lease
KAcc731/F/56Letters concerning gifts of Cromwell documents to the British Museum
KAcc731/G/131A.B to Mrs Leadbetter at Hursley [ie. for Elizabeth Cromwell]; a meeting in London will be necessary.
KAcc731/G/106Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; health and family news.
KAcc731/D/39Bargain and sale for property in Hendon, Middlesex
KAcc731/H/154Henry Cromwell esq. sworn as one of the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber
KAcc731/G/132A.B. to Mrs Leadbetter at Hursley [ie. for Elizabeth Cromwell].
KAcc731/H/143Account concerning the Lord Protector's plate
KAcc731/K/196A Few Anecdotes and Observations relating to Oliver Cromwell and his Family, by Sir John Burrow.
KAcc731/G/76Sir Thomas Chicheley to Col. Mark Trevor, on behalf of Henry Cromwell.
KAcc731/L/204The Works of King Charles I vol. II. Printed, Aberdeen.
KAcc731/D/35Draft lease for property in Enfield, Middlesex
KAcc731/D/46Release [no lease] between: 1. Mary Dalton; 2. Elizabeth Dalton. Property: East and West Hawkwell, Yorkshire; endorsed 'my own family deeds O.C.'
KAcc731/D/40Bond for £20,000. Thomas and John Wade of Gloucester, to indemnify Elizabeth Cromwell spinster, Dr Thomas Gibson, and Ann his wife.
KAcc731/D/37Bargain and Sale between Elizabeth Cromwell and Thomas Lord Culpepper etc
KAcc731/K/189Acts for Assessment of Subsidy
KAcc731/G/70Sir Francis Rusell to his son-in-law Henry Cromwell; family greetings
KAcc731/D/42Probate copy of will of Hannah Cromwell widow of Holborn St Andrews, made 9 March 1731/2, bequeathing her estate to her son William
KAcc731/G/99Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; further news of the invalid; family news.
KAcc731/G/92Richard Cromwell to 'Deare hearts' [Elizabeth Cromwell and Ann Gibson], signed 'Cranberry'. Family news.
KTORK/6/112Power of Attorney
KAcc731/G/113Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; discusses her brother's marriage plans.
KAcc731/NItems transferred from the Cromwell Museum (accession 4974)
KHAC0/848Various documents relating to the Cromwell family.
KAcc731/L/201Memoires of the Life and Death of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey, by Richard Tuke; printed, London.
KAcc731/G/129Poem dedicated 'To the Lady Cromwell at Hursley,' by Mr Dew.
KAcc731/J/176Small book of religious poetry
KAcc731/H/140Marriage certificate of Benjamin Hewlinge and Hannah Kyffen.
KHAC3/3024Pedigree of the Field and Cromwell families to 1898
KAcc731/J/171Prayer and dying words of King James II
KAcc731/K/186Declaration for a Day of Fasting.
KAcc731/G/89Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; her mother's illness.
KHP46/30/6/20Engraving of Elizabeth Cromwell, with a verse.
KHAC2/2828Letters from Puritan Divines to Richard Cromwell's wife
KAcc731/K/182Letter to Oliver Cromwell from Wales
KAcc731/M/206Two manuscript catalogues of Cromwell papers, marked I and II, together with 'certain odd pieces of paper found with collection'
KAcc731/G/78[Sir Francis Russell] to his grandson Harry [Major Henry Cromwell], concerning a land dispute at Cheshunt.
KAcc731/L/202Histoire d'Olivier Cromwell by Raguenet; printed, Paris.
KAcc731/G/122Richard Cromwell to Mrs Sophia Leadbetter; re illness.
KAcc731/G/60Oliver Cromwell to Oliver St John esq.; military matters
KAcc731/H/156Receipts for payment of duty on the births of Hannah and Henry, children of Captain [Henry] Cromwell
KAcc731/G/117Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; describes a visit to Mrs Gibson.
KAcc731/G/93Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; discusses clothes and the weather.
KAcc731/G/119Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; gives his opinion on the disposal of her late brother's estate.
KAcc731/G/112Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; mentions 'Your new settled Family' including Mr and Mrs Leadbeater.
KR/R1/1/8Deed of Covenant
KAcc731/BPublic Central: Ireland
KAcc731/G/71Henry Cromwell to his brother-in-law Lord Fauconberg; political and religious observations
KAcc731/H/141Bond for repayment of £600 by Richard Cromwell to Thomas Darell esq. of Trewornam, Cornwall
KAcc731/MRecord Office Addenda
KAcc731/J/170Receipt for rent of a messuage, Mary Lucas from 'Madame Skinner'
KAcc731/G/109Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; mentions Cousin Morse.
KAcc731/G/105Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; 'nothing new to write'.
KAcc731/H/157John Green's account of his disposal of rings on behalf of Mr Francis Cromwell
KAcc731/G/86Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; greetings and spiritual advice.
KAcc731/G/115Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; mentions Dr and Mrs Gibson.
KAcc731/K/187Act renouncing the Title of Charles Stuart.
KAcc731/K/184Ordnance prohibiting Cock-Matches.
KAcc731/G/59Oliver Cromwell to his cousin Mrs St John; greetings to her and her family.
KAcc731/G/111Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; refers to family negotiations.
KAcc731/G/127Benjamin Disbrowe to John Dibble esq. concerning timber at Hursley.
KAcc731/D/43Settlement in respect of the intended marriage between Mary Westby of Barking, Essex, and William Cromwell of Grays Inn, London
KAcc731/B/11Account by [Dr] Robert Gorges of moneys disbursed in Ireland between August 1654 and 10 November 1658
KAcc731/H/145Letter from Edward Worth to Henry Cromwell, concerning his position at the Restoration.
KR/R1/1/11Deed of Covenant.
KTORK/6/111Acknowledgement of Receipt.
KG/A/5/7Former Box 5 Bundle 7
KR/R1/1/10Deed of Surrender
KAcc731/M/207Two seals, one detached and broken, and one a wax impression on paper
KR/R1/1/20Bargain and Sale
KHAC0/85Injunctions of Henry Cromwell
KAcc731/A/6Account of £16,500 distributed to the distressed Protestants of Piedmont
KR/R2/5/1Packet of letters and memoranda
KR/R1/1/6Deed of Covenant
KAcc731/H/166Memorandum by O. Cromwell concerning personal possessions of Oliver Cromwell, Protector
KAcc731/A/2The Case of Ship-Money, in the Court of Exchequer
KAcc731/H/138Appointment of Oliver Cromwell as High Steward of Cambridge.
KAcc731/J/167Exemplification of arms of Christopher Correy of Northumberland
KHAC0/49/68Inquisition post mortem, land in Wintringham St.Neots, Hardwicke and Graffham
KHP46/30/2/13Two lists, one typewritten, one handwritten, of Cromwell details in the All Saints register.
KHAC0/783/3Manor of Wistow: Final Concord.
KAcc731/C/23Rental of the Manor of Dalby, Leicestershire
KAcc731/C/22Copy of the Black Book of the Priory of Carisbrooke, with survey.
KAcc731/J/169Account for victuals to 'the 2 brothers'
KAcc731/E/49Papers concerning property at Cheshunt, Herts
KG/A/1/5Former Box 1 Bundle 5
KHAC1/1744Deed of Surrender of Lease: land in Hardwick, Grafham and Ellington
KHAC5/5210Deed to property of the manor of Wistow between Henry Cromwell, son of Sir Philip Cromwell and Dorothie Leech
KAcc731/G/58Francis Cromwell to Mr Winde, his cousin
KAcc731/H/147Information concerning Henry Cromwell's pardon.
KAcc731/E/52Papers concerning the Manor of Marden and Park, Hursley, Hampshire
K23/1/2/2/2115Lantern slide, Winceby, Lincolnshire: Rendezvous of Fairfax, (with Cromwell at Winceby).
KHAC3/3380/7Replica of Cromwell's baptism in St John's Huntingdon register (1599)
KAcc731/H/162Copy of Dryden's Ode to Cromwell.
KAcc731/K/190Petition of Officers of the Army.
KR/R42/17/3Translation of Grant of Manor of Ramsey etc. to Richard Williams, otherwise Cromwell, 31 Hen,VIII.
KAcc731/G/97Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; concerns the illness of Mr Pengelly's son.
KG/D/3/1List of questions and interrogations asked at the hearing of the Queens Commissioners of Sewers for the Water and River Ouse in Huntingdonshire by the Bailiffs and Inhabitants of Godmanchester
KAcc731/JMiscellaneous Letters and Papers 1579 - 1817
KR/R1/1/4Deed Poll
KR/R8/8/A/1Copy of Defeayance
KHAC0/783/4Manor of Wistow: Lease
KCON/3/3/C/2Bargain and Sale
KHAC4/4089Oliver Cromwell letters (copies of copies)
KHAC5/5170Pedigree of Henry Cromwell
KAcc731/G/90Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; her mother's illness.
KAcc731/A/1The Lord Keeper's speech to Parliament; with a calendar of shipping taken by the enemy in the past three years.
KMAN1/A/3/3Deeds of properties in Huntingdonshire, Essex, Suffolk and Staffordshire
K23/1/1/9/104Lantern slide, Bassingbourn: Engraved portrait of Elizabeth Steward, Oliver Cromwell's mother.
KAcc731/A/4Privilege granted by Oliver Cromwell to Richard Plumpton, cursitor of the Court of Chancery
KAcc731/H/139Accounts concerning Greenwich Park.
KAcc731/G/123? Mrs Ann Gibson to Elizabeth Cromwell at Hursley; addressed 'Dearest S'.
KAcc731/A/10Exemplification by Richard Cromwell, Lord Protector, of a judgment in the Court of Upper Bench
KAcc731/F/54Release for property in Synithwaite, Yorkshire
KHP46/30/2/12Photograph of baptism 1581-83 including Mr Ralph and Dorothy Cromwell.
KR/R1/1/17Deed of further charge.
K588/C/8/35Letter from the Earl of Sandwich at Herford Street with an account of Henry Cromwell's residence at Spinney Abbey.
KPGMD/2913/Z/10B/35Xerox of part of an indenture between Henry Williams alias Cromwell (senior) of Ramsey and Henry Williams also Cromwell (junior) on the one hand and John Sampson of the Great Whyte on the other. Receipt of money for land in the town, 19 May nd
KAcc731/G/68Oliver Cromwell to his son Henry, Lord Deputy of Ireland, concerning a petition from the Chief Baron of the Exchequer in Ireland.
KHAC0/783/7Manor of Wistow: Final Concord
KAcc731/G/135Letters to Mr Oliver Cromwell of Cheshunt Park from various lawyers etc., concerning his ancestors, pedigree etc.
KAcc731/A/5Letters of administration granted by Oliver Cromwell to Elizabeth, widow of Francis Laminge, late of St Lawrence Jewry in London
KHMR/25Records of the Manor of Warboys
KHAC1/1634Some Pedigrees of the House of Cromwell
KAcc731/H/144Papers concerning case of Oliver St John and his part in the late troubles.
KR/R2/4/8Manor of Ramsey: Investigation of Title.
KR/R1/2/1Articles of agreement.
KAcc731/G/84Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; expressing his prayers for her spiritual good.
KAcc731/H/153Papers concerning Benjamin Hewling and Mr Battiscomb, executed at Lyme Regis for participation in Monmouth's rebellion.
KAcc731/H/149Title of Henry Cromwell to lands of Portumna in Ireland
KHAC5/5748/1Pedigree of the Cromwell and Field families
KHAC5/5665Microfilm of Charters and Rolls chiefly relating to Ramsey Abbey
KHAC5/5743Letter to the Admiralty and Navy dated 1657 and signed by Oliver Cromwell, with a 19th century explanatory text and two small engravings of Cromwell portraits. Also three printed Cromwell-Field family pedigrees
KHAC0/783/6Manor of Wistow: Articles of Agreement
KHAC0/848/1Manor of Wistow: lease
KHAC1/1694Priory Yard, St. Neots, attestation award
KHAC0/848/2Deed to secure £100
KR/RB2/28Copy and Quit Rent Account Book
KPGMD/2913/Z/10B/10Xerox of Certificate of muster force: horse and foot in Hunts by the Deputy Lieutenants of Hunts
KHAC5/5748/2Pedigree of the Cromwell and Field families
KHAC5/5743/2Printed pedigree of the Cromwell and Field families from "Cussans' History of Hertfordshire"
KHP49/1/1/1Composite register
KAcc731/G/134Charles Wesley to Mrs Cromwell; congratulates her on the recovery of her child.
KAcc731/A/3“Journal … or the heads of the proceedings of In both houses of Parliament from the Sixth of November 1640”
KCON/2/4/A/5Inquisitio Post Mortem
KAcc731/HPapers concerning the Cromwell Family 1625 - 1742
KAcc731/G/83Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; complains of the conduct of her brother [Oliver].
KHAC0/170Holwood Fen, Chatteris
KAcc731/G/126Edmond White to Mr Gibson; concerning horses belonging to the late Mr O. Cromwell.
KAcc731/G/114Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; describes Christmas food; mentions intention to visit Hatton Garden next week.
KAcc731/G/95Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; containing news of Parliament; signed 'J.Marden'.
KMAN1/A/16/37Petition by Henry Cromwell and his wife, Ann Cromwell, seeking custody of her son Rochester Carr, and his estate
KAcc731/G/124? Mrs Ann Gibson [same hand as last] 'to the Vertuous Ladays'; hopes a meeting can soon be arranged.
KAR109/046/34Petition to Privy Council by Commission of Sewers ['Shewers'!] to be excused attending on 17 May as they have a general session of sewers at Wisbech appointed for 20 May to fix rates towards charge of opening of the Nene outfall 'whiche worke in good parte is already begunne by the countrye'
KAcc731/G/104Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; mentions 'your brother and sister Mortemar'.
KHAC0/783/2Manor of Wistow
KP172/1/2Composite register
KAcc731/G/102Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; family news. Addressed 'att Madam Horsmans in Bartlett Street, Holborne'.
KAcc731/G/87Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; family matters; mentions 'your sister D', 'your mother', 'your brothers'.
KAcc731/H/155Commissions to Henry Cromwell esq. as an officer in: 1. Earl of Denbigh's Dragoons: 16 Feb. 1693/4 2. Lord Mohun's Foot: 10 March 1701/2 3. Col. Kilner Brasier's Foot: 27 April 1708
KHAC0/848/6Sale of the Manor of Wistow
KAcc731/G/121Richard Cromwell to Mrs Sophia Leadbetter; re illness.
KAcc731/K/185Declaration by the Protector concerning the Peace of the Commonwealth.
KAcc731/G/62Oliver Cromwell to Col. Richard Norton, concerning a plan for marriage [of his son Richard Cromwell]
KAcc731/G/65Oliver Cromwell to Anthonie Hungerford esq.; apologies for not being at home to receive his calls
KAcc731/H/152Licence from the Lord Lieutenant of Suffolk to enable Henry Cromwell to visit his family more than five miles from his home.
KAcc731/K/197A Short Genealogical Review of the Family of Oliver Cromwell; anon. [By Richard Gough; Society of Antiquities Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica no. XXXI, 1785; xviii pp + 2 tables + 64 pp.]
KAcc731/H/159Bill for iron-ware bought of William Badham by Mr Thomas Cromwell
KAcc731/G/66Oliver Cromwell to his son-in-law, General Fleetwood; family greetings
KAcc731/N/211Copy [?] of a letter from Henry Cromwell to Lord Ormonde concerning his claim to Irish property
KAcc731/G/128Mr and Mrs Pengelly to Elizabeth Cromwell at Hursley; concerning the disposal of her late brother's estate, and a plan for her marriage to the son of the present Lord Mayor of London.
KAR109/046/116Abstract of valuation of Spinney [estate in Wicken] including tithe arable 'in the use of Mr Cromwell'
KAcc731/G/61Oliver Cromwell to his brother-in-law [Valentine Wauton]; sending news of his son's death at the battle of Marston Moor
KAcc731/G/85Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth: discusses his health; mentions his landlord's son, to be found a trade.
KAcc731/D/30Lease between Oliver Cromwell and Captain John Nicholas
KAcc731/L/200Commonplace book, belonging to an unidentified member of the Cromwell Family (perhaps Richard Cromwell).
K258/M/7Court Roll: view of frankpledge with court baron, 27 May, 1684 - 2 May, 1699. Lady/Lord of the Manor: Elizabeth Wade; 1684-6. Rev. Matthew Kirby and Elizabeth, his wife; 1687 - 99. (44 membranes with index; bound in portion of title deed of Henry Williams alias Cromwell conveying freehold waste and commans formerly of Manor of Ramsey).
KAcc731/G/82Richard Cromwell, son of Oliver, to his daughter Elizabeth; concerns the marriage of her sister [Ann]
KAcc731/G/101Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; comments on health and the weather; mention of 'Madam Ann' , 'your brother' and 'your cozen Moss'.
KAcc731/G/80Lady Fauconberg to her nephew Henry Cromwell; discusses the political situation and the relief of Londonderry.
KAcc731/G/130A.B. to Mrs Leadbetter at Hursley [ie. for Elizabeth Cromwell]; gives opinion on the settlement of the Cromwell estate.
KCB/1/A/30/18Letters from Thomas Cromwell relating to town and university disagreements. (6 items).
KAcc731/H/161Various genealogical papers, including extracts from parish registers, wills; letters concerning the Cromwell family.
KAcc731/J/168Bond in £200 for performance of a covenant of even date: Thomas Saltmarsh of Enfield, Middlesex, to Joseph Henchman, citizen and fishmonger of London.
KHAC0/848/7Appointment of Attorney
KAcc731/G/116Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; describes the invovement of Dr and Mrs Gibson in a friend's arrest for debt; discusses the making of some new clothes.
KHAC0/848/5Manor of Wistow; Sale
KAcc731/G/91Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; plans for the future; signed 'Richardson'. Dorse: draft of Elizabeth Cromwell's reply; details of her proposed removal [to London].
KAcc731/D/26Marriage settlement for the marriage of Richard Cromwell and Dorothy Major
KAcc731/G/118Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; gives Elizabeth full power to act in accordance with an enclosed letter re the sale of wood at Hursley; signed 'R. Cromwell'.
KAcc731/H/136Certificate of Oliver Cromwell as Member of Parliament.
KHAC5/5481Bond: Oliver Cromwell to Arthur Ashton with translation
KP68/1/1Composite register
KP68/1/3Composite register
KCON/3/1/A/3Bargain and Sale
KR/R3/12/1Bargain and Sale.
KR/Acc3674/28Plan of Mrs Cromwell's possessions in Ramsey
KR/R1/1/9Deed of Assignment
KR/R1/1/1Marriage Settlement
KR/R2/6/1Bargain and Sale.
KR/R6/5/3Bargain and Sale
KR/R31/7/22 Copies of the Exemplification.
KR/R31/7/3Bundle marked; Conveyance
KAcc148/2/B/112Deed to lead uses to a fine
KAcc731/LHMC Addenda
KAcc731/A/9Documents concerning Southampton
KAcc731/KPrinted Papers, Parliamentary Papers etc.
K23/1/3/11/2594Lantern slide. Thomas Cromwell, in the school of Holbein.
K23/1/1/9/103Lantern slide, Bassingbourn: Bassingbourn Rectory, home of Oliver Cromwell's mother.
KAcc731/H/163Pedigree from Edward III through the Barringtons to the Cromwells
KAcc731/E/50Papers concerning Spinney Abbey and land in Wicken, Cambs
KHMDC/15/12Pedigree of Oliver Cromwell [6 copies]
KAcc731/D/36Probate copy of the will of Henry Cromwell of Spinney, Cambs, made 20 September 1673.
KCON/3/1/A/4Letters Patent Licence to Alienate
KFE/6/170Messuage 7acres and 190acres purchased by Pedley 1652
KAcc731/G/79Anna Williams to Captain Winde (architect and soldier), her cousin; personal greetings.
KAcc731/G/96Richard Cromwell to Mrs Anne Gibson; expressions of affection.
KAcc731/G/74Henry Cromwell, Lord Deputy of Ireland, to his wife; personal matters.
KAcc731/G/120Richard Cromwell to Mrs Sophia Leadbetter; re illness; 'present these to your lady'.
KAcc731/G/98Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; addressed 'For Mr Edward Reyner att Hursley, neare Winchester' but begins 'Deare Madam'.
KHAC0/783/5Manor of Wistow: Performance Bond
KHAC0/848/8Power of attorney to deliver seisin of the Manor of Wistow to Nicholas Pedley
KHAC2/2575/M/1Manor of Warboys: Court roll (part only - one sheet of parchment)
KAcc731/B/13Commission appointing Henry Cromwell Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
KAcc731/G/110Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; reports receipt of a letter from Lady Russell.
KAcc731/G/88Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; health matters; mentions 'your mother.'
KAcc731/D/45Marriage licence granted to George Andrew Armstrong of Tottenham, Middlesex, and Mary Esther Russell of Cheshunt, Herts.
KAcc731/G/100Richard Cromwell to 'Deare hearts'; discusses his and their ailments.
KAcc731/G/108Richard Cromwell to Elizabeth; arranging to meet in London.
KAcc731/G/67Sir Francis Russell to his son-in-law Henry Cromwell, in Ireland; promising to send him beagles.
KAcc731/G/64Oliver Cromwell to his son Richard, concerning the aforesaid marriage
KAcc731/K/195Original Letters and Papers of State addressed to Oliver Cromwell [by John Nicholls, originally 1649-58; 164 pages plus index.]
KAcc731/K/181An Act touching the Registration of Marriages; also touching Births and Burials.
KAcc731/K/188Act for the Taking away of the Court of Wards and Liveries.
KAcc731/F/55Declaration of Theophilus de l'Angle of Tenterden, Kent, and Margaret his wife; with receipt for payment of legacy, made by Richard Cromwell, receiver
KAcc731/D/32Bargain and sale between Henry Cromwell and Dr Jonathan Goddard
KAcc731/G/57Sir Henry Cromwell to Mr Baron, Clerk of the Exchequer, concerning Assizes in Huntingdon, and mentioning Thomas Wynd, gent.
KAcc731/G/69Oliver Cromwell to an unnamed recipient, concerning the above petition
KAcc731/D/38Copies of entries in the court rolls of the Manor of Durants and Cartons, Enfield, Middlesex
KAcc731/B/19Patent of Richard Cromwell, Lord Protector, appointing his brother Henry Governor General of Ireland; with the Great Seal of the Protectorate.
KAcc731/D/34Draft agreement [?] between Henry Rusell etc and Richard Earl of York
KAcc731/D/33Declaration of trust between Henry Cromwell and John Russell
K378/T/1Bargain and sale
KAcc731/G/72Lady Francis Russell to her daughter [Elizabeth], wife of Henry Cromwell, on the death of General Reynolds, husband of Mary Russell
KAcc731/B/12Instructions to Henry Cromwell as Lord Deputy and to the Council of Ireland
KAcc731/H/150Copy of grants of Henry Cromwell's estates in Ireland to trustees.
KAcc731/G/75General Monk to Col. Henry Cromwell, now at Sir Francis Russell's in Chippenham; considers it inadvisable that he should come to London for the present.
KR/R1/2/2Articles of agreement.
KHAC4/4812Deeds of Sir Oliver Cromwell's properties in Fenton
KR/R40/9/1Copy of Exemplification of a Decree of Chancery, made on 2 July, 1657.
KFE/6/294Abstract of Mr. J. Pedley's title to Manor of Wistow and divers other land in Huntingdonshire.
KR/R8/8/A/3Bargain and Sale
KAcc731/D/29Marriage settlement, by way of lease and release, for the marriage of Henry Cromwell and Elizabeth Russell
KAcc731/B/21Exemplification by Richard Cromwell of the enrolment of a Commission to enquire into Protectorate lands in County Tyrone, and of an Inquisition taken at Strabane, 25 Feb 1658
KHAC5/5748Pedigrees (2) of the Cromwell and Field families
KG/A/3/15Former Box 3 Bundle 15
KHAC5/5742Folder of Cromwell Association correspondence and papers
KHAC5/5743/4Printed pedigree of the Cromwell and Field families
KHAC5/5743/3Printed pedigree of the Cromwell and Field families
KR/R1/1/2Marriage Settlement
KAcc731/A/7Pardon granted to Justinian Barrowe, late of Upwood, prisoner in Huntingdon gaol; signed 'Oliver P'.
KTORK/17/219Decree of Chancery. Regarding Broughton Inclosure.
KAcc731/D/27Bargain and sale between Oliver Cromwell and Francis Aleyene etc.
KAcc731/D/28Covenant to levy a fine, with fine and recovery, between Henry Somerset etc and Oliver Cromwell
KAcc731/K/179Part only of a printed letter from Oliver Cromwell in Ireland to Speaker Lenthall.
KHAC5/5623/1/15Bargain and Sale with Feoffment
KHAC5/5623/1/29Bargain and Sale with Feoffment
KAcc731Bush Collection of Cromwell documents
KAcc731/N/212Autographed letter signed by Oliver Cromwell to his daughter-in-law Dorothy (Major, wife of Richard); expressing friendly sentiments and religious exhortation.
KTORK/6/109Bargain and sale
KHAC0/848/3Agreement to pay £100 annually to Anne Baldwyn
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