
TitleStetchworth and Dullingham. Covenant.
DescriptionCovenant to levy a fine on Stetchworth mill and land in Stetchworth, Carleton, Willingham, Weston Colville and Brinkley to 2. for use of 1.
1. Edward Pratt and Ellen, his wife (to have Stetchworth property)
William Collin of Burrough Green, miller and Elizabeth, his wife (daughter of Edward Pytches, late of Lynton)
Philip Webb of Lynton, maltster and Susan, his wife
Thomas Drury of Lynton, sylk weaver
2. John Jarvis of Burrough Green, gent.
John Moore of Lynton, cordwainer
3. Christopher Green the younger of Cambridge, Dr. in Phisick (trustee)
Date15 April, 1689
CreatorNameEnnions of Newmarket
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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