
TitleDullingham. Lease of Public house called the King's Head.
DescriptionLease for 18 years of Public house called the King's Head and charity lands comprising 1a. 1r. 17p. of arable, 1a. 3r. 4p. of pasture in Camping Close, 4a. 1r. 3p. of arable in Osbornes meadow, 10a. 1r. 6p. of arable called Ashbed's and three parcels of 39a. 3r. 9p. of arable in Dullingham.
1. Trustees of Dullingham Charity estates
2. Robert Onion of Dullingham, farmer and innkeeper Rent £110 p.a.
Date17 March 1874
CreatorNameEnnions of Newmarket
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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