
TitleSoham - Probates etc. Staples
DescriptionProbate of will (8 June, 1836) of Ellis Staples the elder late of Soham, gent., deceased.
Leaves all freehold land to wife Mary for life then 6r. in Chipsall field and ½a. in same called Pens to son Ellis, 2a. in Brook Street to son Edward, 1a. in Noditch field to daughter Mary Cockerton, 2a. 1r. in Noditch field and 1a. in Downfield in Middle Furlong to son William, Fordham property and 3r. in Noditch field to daughter Elizabeth Brown, 1½a. in Downfield called Whiting, 1a. in Downfield and 5r. in Chipsall field to son Luke, 1½a. in Noditch field to grandson Ellis, copyhold messuage in Brook St. and 8a. copyhold to son Edward and ½a. copyhold in Northfield, 3r. on the river, 3r. in Brook Street, and 3a. 1r. called Garlands, Soham to son William
Executors - sons William and Luke
Date10 March, 1838
CreatorNameEnnions of Newmarket
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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