
TitleLetters and papers
DescriptionBank letters and papers (in two folders):
1. Two letters from Mr Hyde, 8 Freeschool Lane, to Thomas Mortlock concerning affairs of Docwra and Hopkins, November-December 1851
2. Letter from Charles Bigg aged 62 of 24 Smith Street, Somers Town, to Messrs Mortlock concerning financial hardship and requesting help, 24 August 1853
3. Letter from William Marshall, Ely, to Messrs Mortlock concerning sale of cottages, 22 July 1850, and two letters to Thomas Mortlock concerning mortgages and otium cum dignitate, February-March 1854
4. Letter from Thomas Mortlock to Lady Cotton, Madingley, requesting her signature on a bank post bill, 12 February 1852
5. Letter from Astley Cooper, Melbourn, to Thomas Mortlock informing him of a payment into his account at the Derby Bank, 14 December 1852
6. Letter from Wright and Son, Norwich, land agents, to Thomas Mortlock asking for a reference for Mr Wallis, corn merchant, 23 March 1852, with draft reply that the gentleman is a respectable person and his father is considered a person of good property
7. Letter from Edmund John Mortlock, London, to his uncle Thomas Mortlock concerning delivery of a parcel to Smith Payne and Smiths, 29 May 1858
8. Letter and enclosure from John Parfitt, Cambridge, to Messrs John Mortlock and Co informing them that he does not use his middle initial C., 8 September 1852
9. Letter from Commissioner H.J. Perry, Liverpool Court of Bankruptcy, to Messrs Mortlock concerning bond held as Dr French's executors, 2 December 1853
10. Note from Captain Octavius Sturges, University Rifle Corps, that he has paid entrance fees and subscriptions of new members of the Corps into the paymasters account at Mortlocks Bank, 19 November 1860
11. Letter from Gurneys Birkbeck and Co to Messrs Mortlock and Sons requesting reference for William Eaden of Cambridge, coal merchant, 8 December 1856
12. Letter from Clement Francis to Charles Hall, relating to Mortlock and Co v Town Council, 26 April 1870
13. Annual solicitor's certificate of Edmund Henry Parker, Cambridge, with covering letter addressed to Mortlock's bank, 7 Dec 1889
14. Letter from Revd James Cartmell, Christs College Lodge, to Messrs Mortlock, concerning old South Sea Annuities belonging to Worts' trustees, 24 February 1854
15. Note and guarantee concerning half note of £5 inadvertently destroyed by Revd T.P. Outram, July-August 1851
16. Letter from [illegible], Trinity College, concerning subscription for Mr Walmisley [presumably Thomas Atwood Walmisley, organist], 15 November [no year given, but before 1856], with draft reply
17. Letter from Richard Okes, Kings College, Cambridge, University vice-chancellor, to Thomas Mortlock, mentioning return of receipt with signature, 21 June 1852
18. Envelope of correspondence (7 items including form letters from General Post Office) regarding two half £5 notes sent by Mr Green to Charles Barnes, woollen draper, 34 Trinity Street, Cambridge and lost in post, 1858
19. Three letters from James Read to Thomas Mortlock concerning business in Isleham, 1852-53
20. Bundle of letters from Arthur Gordon (son of and private secretary to prime minister the Earl of Aberdeen), Downing Street and Argyll House, London, and Rose Crescent, Cambridge, concerning gift of £100 to be made anonymously through Mortlocks Bank to Charles Waterfield, barrister and registrar of Birmingham Court of Bankruptcy, Bonehill, Fazeley, and Curzon Street, London, with copy replies, 1853-54 (16 items)
21. Eight letters from Miss F.G. Brewster, Southfield House, Malvern, her sister Mary Margaret Brewster, Paris, and Berwick and Co, Old Bank, Malvern, concerning a missing half £5 note, February - August 1863
22. Six letters from R.S. Wilkinson and Co, St Mildreds Court, Poultry, London, stock brokers, concerning dividends, etc., March-May 1858
23. Twelve letters from Smith Payne and Smiths, London, 1853-58
24. Circular letter from J.F.W. Herschel, Bart., the Royal Mint, asking for opinion on the views of the public on the relative merits of the half crown and the florin (mentions florin as 'a presumed stage in the transition to decimal coinage'), 20 November 1854, with copy reply expressing preference for the florin, 23 November 1854
25. Letter from the Bank of England requesting reference for F.W. Nash of Bishops Stortford, 29 October 1856
26. Letter from Royston Bank in reply to enquiry about William John Titchmarsh, 9 February 1855
27. Letter from Glyn Mills and Co, bankers, London, requesting reference for H.F. Rowe of Cambridge, 27 Nov 1856
28. Bundle including empty envelopes, letters with illegible signatures, and copy letter about New Zealand Government debentures (8 items)
CreatorNameMortlock Bank and Estate
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives

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