
TitleValuation book, no.84
Valuation and report on the Abbey Farm and fen lands in West Dereham (Norfolk), the property of Colonel F.H. Custance and in the occupation of A.S. Newling (Abbey Farm) and Charles Pilgrim (fen lands), Sep 1907
Valuation and report on a motor garage and property in the High Street, Newmarket, the property of Ernest Clifford Crisswell and held in hand, Apr 1908
Report and valuation of land in Mill Croft, Soham, the property of Arthur Long and proposed to be bought by Cambridgeshire County Council for the purpose of enlarging the cemetery at Soham, Apr 1909
Valuation and report on the Great Hasse Farm and Metlam Farm in Soham and Isleham, recently the property of Charles Morbey, held in hand (Great Hasse Farm), and in the occupation of Messrs Maltby and Clarke, Nov 1909
Valuation and report on estate in Frithville and Westville (Lincolnshire) the property of Bennet Rothes Langton Esq and in the occupation of Joseph Bowser, Thomas Roberts, Thomas Balderston, Frank Riggall, and Watham Daft, Nov 1909
Valuation and report on Friesland House Farm, Burnt Fen, Mildenhall (Suffolk), the recently sold by the executors of the late Mrs Seaber, Oct 1908
Valuation on Highbury House, Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds (Suffolk), the property of, and in the occupation of, Sir Henry G. Dixon, Mar 1909
Valuation and report on part of Badmondisfield estate, Wickhambrook (Suffolk), the property of N.B. Warner Bromley Esq, and in the occupation of Mrs N. Warner Bromley (Badmondisfield Hall), John Pettit (Wakelings Farm), G.M. Donkin (park and lands), R. King (Park Gate Farm), Alfred Edgeley (Farm House and land at Coltsfoot Green), Charles Wallidge (Australia Farm), William C Fuller (Driftway), William Stittle (land near Genesis Green), James Ashman (land at Park Gate), May 1907
Valuation and report on properties in Ely, the property of the executors of John Howard (chemists and druggists shop, Fore Hill, in the occupation of Messrs Sturton and Howard; pasture land in the Cresswells in the occupation of C.H. Cole; a garden with ancient vinery or greenhouse in Crown Point Lane in the occupation of Arthur Lemon; garden or building site at the corner of Bull Lane and Willow Walk; pasture land in Waterden in the occupation of C.H. Cross; pasture land in Dead Hill Field on the Mill Pits Road in the occupation of Henry Brown), Dec 1909
Valuation and report on Islington Hall Estate, Tilney cum Islington and Tilney All Saints (Norfolk), the property of the trustees of the late T.E. Bagge Esq, the Hall being in hand and the farms in the occupation of D. Plowright, W. Failes and the executors of C.R. Minns, Sep 1909
Valuation and report on properties in Ely and Coveney, the property of the executors of the late Reverend J.H. Henderson and in the occupation of Arthur Hall (arable ground in Padnal), Robert Hawkes (fen land in Padnal), James Lee (arable grounds in Padnal), Mrs Sarah Chase (garden ground on West Fen Road), James Spencer (arable land in Coveney), Dec 1909
Valuation and report on Home Farm, Deeping St Nicholas, and wash land in Cowbit Wash, Spalding (Lincolnshire), held on lease by Jonathan Ward, Nov 1909
Report on 2 cottages in Newnham Street and 5 cottages in Barton Road, Ely, the property of Mrs Swan and in the occupation of Mrs Adams and Frederick Tebbs (Newnham Street) and George Rust, C. Wilson, C. Covill, C. Langhorne and Charles Royston (Barton Road), Mar 2920
Valuation and report on an estate in Holt and Hunworth (Norfolk), the property of the Fishmonger's Company as trustees of the Gresham Estate, and in the occupation of Daniel Edward Leggatt (Pereers Farm, Holt), in hand (Peerers Wood), Dallas Alexander Wynne Willson (Wansbeck House, gardens and stables, Holt), John M. Waller (Hunworth Farm) Sep 1908
Valuation and report on Manor Farm and fen land in West Dereham (Norfolk), the property of Colonel F.H. Custance and in the occupation of David B. Newling, May 1910
Valuation and report on land at Balby, Doncaster (West Riding of Yorkshire), with mining potential, the property of the trustees of Mr and Mrs Atkinson's Marriage Trust and Mrs Foster's Marriage Trust, Mar 1911
Valuation and report on an estate in Deeping St Nicholas, Uffington, Market Deeping, and West Deeping (Lincolnshire), the property of the C.H. Noel Trust and in the occupation of Albert James Preston and Collis J. Bell, Dec 1910
Valuation and report on an estate in Cossington (Leicestershire), the property of the C.H. Noel Trust and in the occupation of Ernest Harry Clarke, Dec 1910
Valuation and report on Langwood South Fen Farm, Chatteris, the property of the trustees of Dr George Thackeray's settled estate, and in the occupation of Ernest A. Brundle, Aug 1911
CreatorNameBidwell and Sons, Cambridgeshire, auctioneers
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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