
TitleFeoffment in form of indenture of 2 acres arable in South Feld and Wyndmellefeld, Exning, part of 9acre with which donors enfeoffed by 588/T/58.
DescriptionWith covenant that donors to have re-entry if feoffee fails to defend and acquit them for the remaining 7 acres if subsequent action brought in King's court. Walter Cotton and Thomas Cotton of Landwade to John Gardener of Exning. Witnesses: Robert Bernard of Isleham, John Borle of same, William Peytevyn of Fordham, Thomas Tebaut of same, John Perkyn of Landwade. Seal with monogram device. (Stained).
Date8 May 1431
CreatorNameCotton family of Madingley and Landwade
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives

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