
TitleProbate inventory of Anne Roper of Farningham, Kent, widow.
DescriptionThe inventory includes a horse, cattle and sheep; contents of a stable (containing coach), poultry house, brewhouse, cornlofts, garret, dairy, boulting house, larder, pantry, kitchen, cellars, buttery, hall (containes clock), parlour, entry (contains pair of organs), gallery (contains pair of virginals), wainscot chamber with inner chamber, closet adjoining gallery, hall chamber with inner chamber, new chamber with inner chamber, chamber adjoining gallery, 'lowe matted' chamber with inner chamber, chamber under great chamber, chamber under parlour, chamber under hall, little chamber near hall, other closet, little room near kitchen; pewter, linen, apparell, plate, jewels, ready money and debts owing. Total value: £653 11s. (For picture insert see original catalogue).
Date16 April 1619
CreatorNameCotton family of Madingley and Landwade
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives

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