
TitleManor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Bundle of Manorial Documents.
Description1. Extract of Fines and Amercements, 22 April 1628. 2. Memos relating to estate late Bittons (12 October 1720-16 January 1804), nd (after 1804). 3. Description of freehold lands: 5 roods near Ballidon Hill in Chilford Field, 3 acres near Symonds Lane, 2 acres in Lynton Field, nd. 4. Memo of copyholds late Edmund Taylor's to which no one admitted; also freeholds - with rents, nd. 5. Names of men who had ploughed the fallow field, 20-31 March 1818. 6. Notes from Court Rolls, 1575-1768.
Date1638-post 1804
CreatorNameFrancis & Co: Cambridgeshire Manorial Records
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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