
TitleWillingham Field Book.
DescriptionSmall book containing: pp. 1-6. 'A Coucher and Survey of the Town of Willingham with the Names of the Owners of the several Houses therein…' Each opening gives the owners in 172- with a reference to a plan (unidentified) and a folio reference to the 'New Book', ie. R59/14/5/8(b) on the left side and the owners according to the plan of 1603 on the right. There are also columns with signs to show the form of tenure. Although the plan referred to does not survive is if possible to identify the premises on the plan of 1718 copied into the 1793 Willingham Field Book (P177/28/10). Curiously, although the numbers are different, both the 1718 map and terrier and this document have the same inclosures labelled without numbers and it seems therefore that they are based on a common original or that the numbering of the 1718 map (which is much the more systematic) was rearranged when it was copied in 1793. pp. 9-23. 'An abstract of all the Commonable Houses, Arrable Lands, Leys, Meadow, & Marsh, with the Names of the several Owners…. Anno 172 '. Arranged alphabetically by owners giving statute measures for all their property in the lordship distinguishing fields and meadows, etc., total acreage and quit rent as well as a reference to the plan of houses and folio of the 'New Book'. At back: 'The Names and Contents of the 16 Furlongs, belonging to the Meadows in the Parish of Willingham'. Unfinished. The names of the furlongs are given and 21 pages are set out for entering owners etc but these are not completed, nor is the column on the right for statute measure. (A small thin book with a damaged wrap-round green cover).
Datecirca 1727
CreatorNameFrancis & Co: Cambridgeshire Manorial Records
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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