
TitleFeoffment (Counterpart)
Description1. Francis Fawkes of Farnley, Yorks. Esq. and Margarett his wife. 2. Thos. Thornhill of Fixby, Yorks. Esq. 3. Cyrill Arthington of Arthington, Yorks. £300 From 3. to 1. £300 From 3. to 2. Rights of common herbage and pasturage on all the waste grounds belonging to the Mannors of Arthington and Addlecum except for all ancient water courses in or through such commons of 10 yds. broad from the next public highways to the respective farmhouses and lands of 1. and 2. in townships of Arthington and Kirskill.
Date3 May 1712
CreatorNameThornhill Collection
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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