
DescriptionJoseph Kay, Gower St. London, to George Thornhill Esq. Interview with Mr. Oldenshaw, Official organ of the Committee; Joseph Kay name £200 the lowest price for the ground on which to build the new church which he thinks will be accepted. Need George Thornhill's firm assent to the proposition at their next meeting. Will not be easy to disengage Mr. Bainbridge from his agreement. But need speedy measures to put the property in a position to take advantage of the market. Does not favour letting more ground to Mr. Barne who is in bad odour with his tenants over the state of the roads and other matters. George Thornhill's note to Hickman produced a promise to settle in a month, though disputes about the charges for Brick Earth.
Date11 Feb. 1837
CreatorNameThornhill Collection
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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