
Title"Ouze Banks: Parliamentary Papers"
DescriptionBundle of parliamentary papers concerning the 1837 Ouze Banks Repair Act. Contains a legal brief in support of the Bill; a printed notice of intended application to Parliament; a petition of the Eau Brink Drainage Commissioners in support of the Bill; a petition of the owners of estates in Stow Bardolph against the Bill; draft clauses and provisos; and correspondence. Also contains "Report of the Central Tithes Committee on the Tithe Commutation Bill"; "English Tithe Commutation Bill: The Case of the Proprietors in the Bedford Level"; petitions of the Bedford Level Corporation concerning the Tithe Commutation Bill; draft clauses and provisos to be inserted in the Over Inclosure Bill; a notice of intended application to Parliament in relation to the Over Inclosure Bill; notices of the Corporation's claim under the Over Inclosure Bill; "Petition of the Bedford Level Corporation against a Bill for Inclosing Lands in the Parish of Swavesey"; a legal brief of the Bedford Level Corporation against the Swavesey Inclosure Bill; draft clauses and provisos to be inserted in the Swavesey Inclosure Bill; a declaration in the case of Nathanial Gifford v Samuel Wells; and correspondence.
Date1836 - 1838
CreatorNameBedford Level Corporation
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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