
Title"Sutton Wash Bridge and Embankment, 1826"
DescriptionBundle of [parliamentary] papers concerning the Cross Keys Bridge Act 1826. Contains a copy of the Bill; "Mr Rennie's Plan for the Completely Draining of South Holland"; "Sutton Wash Bridge and Embankment"; a hand-written copy of John Rennie's report about the Wisbech Outfall and the drainage of the North Level and South Holland; "Report of the Committee", "Letter from Mr Chapman to the Corporation of Wisbech"; Anthony Bower's statement of facts about the drainage of the Boston Fens; [Thomas] Telford's report; [John] Dyson's report; Messrs Telfold and Rennie's opinions on an additional query; Mr Telford's opinion; Mr Chapman's opinion on an additional query; the petition of the Bedford Level Corporation against the Bill; the petition of owners and occupiers of estates in the hundred of Wisbech against the Bill; the petition of the North Level against the Bill; a notice of application to Parliament; copy of the general saving clause; two legal briefs for the Corporation against the Bill; resolutions of the North Level Committee; resolutions of the Corporation of Wisbech; notes and correspondence.
Date1813 - 1826
CreatorNameBedford Level Corporation
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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