
TitleCouncil and Assembly books
DescriptionThese minute books contains minutes of monthly council meetings of the Mayor, aldermen, and councillors of the Borough, quarterly meetings of the full Council of the Borough, and assemblies of Burgesses of the Borough. Some of the volumes have alphabetical indexes at the front or back. The meetings or assemblies of the Mayor, aldermen and councillors occur once a week in the first few years then become monthly.

Assemblies of Burgesses met to confirm election results for Ward Councillors. The record of the Assembly provides details of votes cast for each candidate, declaring the new councillor and evidencing that the oaths of alliegance have been taken.

Each meeting features a list of councillors, and aldermen who are present and agreements reached or orders given. Issues discussed and resolutions reached include the yearly election of and the removal from office of councillors, six for each ward, aldermen, the Mayor, Town Clerk, High Steward, Baliff for the borough, Coroner Treasurer and the election of specific committees and Commissioners, in particular a finance Committee to enquire into and report upon the finances of the borough; a plate committee to enquire into and report upon the state of the Guildhall, the plate, linen and stock of the Corporation and other household matters; a South Level Commissioner to represent the council under the Act of Parliament for improving Drainage of the South Level; commissioners of Navigation to represent the council under the Act of Parliament for altering and improving the Navigation of the River Ouze, trustees of Paper Mills Road, St Neots Road, Arrington Road, Stump Cross Road; commissioners of paving and lighting and conservators of the River Cam. For each office there is a record of the oath of allegiance and supremacy being taken.

Elected committees reporting to the quarterly council meetings include: The Watch Committee; Hobson's Trust Committee to enquire and report upon the intended application to parliament for a bill to regulate Hobson's workhouse; Market Tolls Committee to ascertain if the Market tolls enforced by the late Corporation were not excessive and illegal; Committee on Charities to enquire into the present state of the charitable institutions connected with the Town in order that their separate revenues may be fully ascertained and applied in conformity with the benevolent intention of the founders; Market Committee to enquire into the duties and necessary salary of the clerk of the market; Lease Committee to ascertain what leases are renewable; King's Mill Committee to enquire into terms for letting King's Mill; Commons Committee to be empowered to give directions for necessary repairs to gates and fences and adopt the best means of preventing abuses in stocking the commons; Corn exchange committee to take into consideration an application for a site on which to build a corn exchange; Cattle Market Committee to consider a proposal for establishing a cattle market in Cambridge; Library Committee; Cattle Plague Committee; Fire Brigade Committee; Gas Test Committee; General Purposes Committee; Parliamentary Committee; School attendance Committee, Public Health Committee; Housing Committee; Valuation Committee; Public Works and Town planning Committee; Education Committee; Law and Property Committee; Allotments Committee; Sewage Committee.

Reports of these committees are read and adopted; orders are given to the treasurer to make payments; the Borough rate is set; cases for the opinion of the Attorney General are often requested; orders for the claiming of rent arrears; details of leases, their renewal and orders for new leases to be sealed; petitions forwarded to the High Steward to present them to the House of Lords; reports on encroachments onto borough land; some details of enrolled apprenticeships; claims for compensation from individuals removed from office.

The first volume contains a written statement by Charles Evans and Edward Harvey Maltby setting the boundaries for the 5 wards of the Borough, East Barnwell, West Barnwell, Market Ward, Trinity Ward, and St Andrews Ward.
CreatorNameMunicipal Corporation of Cambridge
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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