
RefNoKCB/2/CL/17/2/Page 158v
AltRefNoCB/2/CL/17/2/Page 158v
TitleLease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Buck, of a house and grounds on the west side of Fair Yard Lane, on surrender of a lease to John Penruddock, waterman, and a said lease to the said Thomas Buck of a close called the tenter yard, now enclosed on surrender of a lease to the said Thomas, formerly demised to Thomazine Kemp, widow, and then to Henry Slegg, gent., between the orchard late in tenure of Martyn Perse, Esq., now the said Thomas
DescriptionPrevious lease page 101.
Date16 Aug 1664
CreatorNameMunicipal Corporation of Cambridge
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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