
RefNoKCB/2/CL/17/2/Page 200v
AltRefNoCB/2/CL/17/2/Page 200v
TitleLease, for 452 years between the Corporation and the Master and Scholars of Pembroke Hall, of on surrender of a lease to Jerome Beale, B.D. the master, Mathew Wrenn B.D., Alexander Bold B.D., Daniell Marrett M.A., Samuel Balcanquell [Baucanquell] M.A., and Eliazor Duncon B.A. all fellows of the college, of a piece of ground between the college and its orchard, adjacent land called Swinescrofte or St Thomas Leyes, on surrender of a lease of 19 May 53 James 1 [1620]
Date29 Sep 1668
CreatorNameMunicipal Corporation of Cambridge
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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