
TitleMarket Committee: relocation of the Cattle Market
DescriptionThe cattle market was originally on St Andrew's Street moving to Pound Hill in 1843. Mr Thomas Lilley and his tenant Mr John Cross continued to hold a cattle market on Greyhound yard, St Andrew's Street after the Borough's cattle market was moved resulting in a case being prosecuted against them at the Assizes. In 1859 the Corporation looks to move the cattle market to land lying between the borough gaol and the Zion Baptist chapel off Mill Road. This location proved unpopular and memorials opposing it were received from 485 ratepayers and members of St Peter's and Jesus colleges. Between 1872 and 1874 land was offered for a new cattle market by the railway station between the junction of Cherry Hinton Road and Hills Road by the London and Western Railway. In 1885 land was offered by the railway station for sale by Jesus College which became the site of the new cattle market opening in Sep 1885 operated by two firms of auctioneers, Grain and Long and H. Philip and Thos Chalk. The series consists of case papers of the Corporation's prosecution of Thomas Lilley and John Cross; memorials and petitions from parties supporting and opposing suggested sites for a new cattle market; correspondence between the Corporation and the London and Western Railway; Colleges; and firms of auctioneers and land agents; plans of proposed sites for the market; and specifications and designs for works on the new cattle market.
CreatorNameMunicipal Corporation of Cambridge
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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