
AltRefNoCON 2/1/4a-c
TitleWill Sir John Cotton of Conington, Hunts, Bart.
DescriptionTo John Cotton, cousin, eldest son of Robt. Cotton, Gidding, Hunts, all manors, messuages, etc. in Conington, Saltrey, Glatton, Holme and Stilton. Manor of Stratton with lands in Stratton and Biggleswade, Beds. For life, with power to make leases of 21 years or less. After his death, to his heirs in tail male, or to the right heirs of Sir John Cotton. To John Ferrar of Little Gidding, Hunts, Esq., and Thomas Dodd, Clerk, Rector of Conington, aforesaid manors in trust during the life of John Cotton, cousin, allowing the aforesaid John Cotton to have the rents and profits. Manor and messuages in Stratton and Biggleswade with appurtenances, in trust to raise out of them £6,060 to use thus: £1,800 to buy freehold lands within 50 miles of the town of Biggleswade, in the names of my said cousin, John Cotton, and the said John Ferrar, and Thomas Dodd, in trust for the uses appointed by me - these 3 to receive the rents thereof and pay: 2/9ths. to the current Vicar of the parish church of St. Neots. 2/9ths. to the current Rector of the parish church of Conington. 1/9th. to the current Vicar of the parish church of Biggleswade, Beds. (forever) 2/9ths. to a person, or persons, chosen Master or Masters - for teaching and learning 12 poor children in the parish of Biggleswade, the English Tongue, Writing and Arithmetic, and the principles of the Christian Religion as practised in the C. of E. 2/9ths. similarly to teach the poor children of Holme. The owner of the manor (of Stratton) always to have the nomination, appreciation and appointment of the masters of these parishes. Until they can raise the £1,800 they are to pay yearly from the Manor of Stratton and the lands in Stratton and Biggleswade to the Vicar of St. Neots and the Rector of Conington £20 p.a. apiece. To the Vicar of Biggleswade £10 p.a. To the schoolmasters £20 p.a. apiece in 2 yearly payments. The residue of the £6,060: To Elizabeth Hanbury, niece, £500. To Frances Hanbury, Niece, £500. To William Hanbury, Nephew, £500. To Catherine Hanbury, niece, £500. To Thomas Hanbury, nephew, £500. To Mary Cotton, niece, dau. of my late bro. Thomas, £500. To Frances, Cotton sister, £100. Peregrine Herbert, nephew, £100. William Reynolds, servant, £200. William Bury, servant, £10. Matthew Bishop, servant, £50. John Ferrar, Trustee, £100. Thomas Dodd, Trustee, £200. To Frances Hanbury, sister, wife of Wm. Hanbury, Esq., one yearly rentcharge of £200, out of the Manor of Stratton, Biggleswade and messuages in Biggleswade, for her sole and separate use. To Mary Reynolds, Biggleswade, widow (mother of my servant Wm. Reynolds) for her life, one yearly rent-charge of £10, from the Manor of Stratton etc. To Elizabeth Dodd, spinster, Glatton, one yearly rentcharge of £10, from the Manor of Stratton, etc. for life. If rentcharges are in arrears, the 3 beneficiaries have power of distraint on the Manor. To Eliz. Hanbury, Frances Hanbury, Mary Hanbury, William Hanbury, Catherine Hanbury and Thomas Hanbury (children of my sister, Frances Hanbury) to be equally divided: all goods, cattle, chattels, bills, bonds, ready money, security and securities for money, and all other of my personal estate (after payment of debts and funeral expenses), and all arrears of rent due at my decease. Executors: John Ferrar and Thomas Dodd. Witnesses: John Andrews; Wm. Sibley; John Gill. Endorsed: That this writing was shown to John Andrew, William Gill, Joseph Sibley and Matthew Bishop, upon their examination in Chancery on behalf of John Cotton, Esq., complainant, against Mary Cotton, an infant, by Frances Cotton, widow, her mother and guardian, deforciant: signed A. Trevor. Copy endorsed: This is a true copy of the original will examined by us the 12th Aug. 1754. Ro. Mitchell; George Robinson.
Date29 September, 1726 - 12 Aug 1754
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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