
AltRefNoCON 2/4/3/6
Description(1) Frances Cotton, widow, late the wife of John Cotton, Gidding Abbotts, Esq., decd. and Jane Cotton, sole dau. and heir of the said John and natural dau of the said Frances. (2) Sir Thomas Cotton, Connington, Bart., and John Cotton, Esq., son and heir app. of the said Sir Thomas C. (3) Sir John Fitzherbert, Norbury, Derbyshire, Kt. William Fitzherbert, Swinnerton, Staffs., Esq and Bazell Fitzherbert, gent, son and heir app. of William F. Recites: (i) Settlement of Giddings A. estate by Thomas Cotton, late of Gidding A., Esq., and John Cotton, decd., by indenture of 15 June, 1635. (ii) Indentures of 30 March, 1640 by which Thomas Cotton demised to Sir Thomas C. mansion house of Gidding A. with apps and fields, i.e. Dovecote Close, Burntyards, Grants Close, Little Hills Close, 6a. arable in every field of Gidding A. for 500 years from death of Thomas Cotton. Hanghill Meadow, Brooke Close (64a.), Ley Close, Rd. Meadow, Berry Pond Leys (30a.), Cow Close (20a.), for 500 years from death of Thomas and Mary his wife. On trust to raise £1,000 for marriage portion of Jane C., grandchild of Thomas and son of John. (iii) Indenture of 31 March, 1640, by which Thomas C. was seised in fee of the reversion expectant on death of John C. without male issue, of 6 farms in Gidding A. (490a.), pasture called Muckhills; advowson of Gidding A. Church. After death of John and Frances, his wife, to Throloe pasture and Alpitt pasture (180a.), Great pasture and meadow (134a.). Uses to John C. and heirs male, then to Sir Thomas C. and heirs male - to pay £4,000 on marriage to daus of John C. If one dau £3,000. (iv) Death of Thomas C., John C., without male issue, leaving one child, Jane. Agreed that lands etc. belong to Sir Thomas C. (v) Intended marriage of Basil Fitzherbert and Jane C. Sir Thomas C. to pay £3,000 and £1,000 due to Jane. She will then have no claim on the lands. Now, Sir Thomas C. agrees with Sir John Fitz. and Wm. Fitz. to pay them the £1,000 of Indenture (11). £500 on 21 June next, £500 on 18 Nov. 1649, in Middle Temple Hall, London. And the £3,000 of indenture (iii), £1,000 on 28 Nov. next at the place aforesaid; £2,000 within 80 days after notice in writing of death of Frances C. at place aforesaid, if Jane C. or her issue shall before then convey all her claims in the Manor and lands to (2). Money for use of Wm. Fitz. if marriage takes place, otherwise in trust for Jane. Sir John Fitz. and Wm. Fitz. agree with (2) that (2) may enjoy said Manor and lands with no trouble from Jane. Jane, within 6 months of being 21, shall convey her claim in said Manor and lands to Sir Thos. C. (2) agree to give security for payment of money. Sir John Fitz. and Wm. Fitz. agree to give security for £4,000 in case Jane does not surrender her rights in the Manor, and lands to (2). (1) and Sir John Fitz. and Wm. Fitz. agree with (2) that Sir Thos. C. will not be questioned by them re. profits of Manor or lands, and apart from Jane's money, Sir Thos. C. to receive rest of the profits for the said term with no account or trust.
Date17 May, 1648
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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