
AltRefNoCON 2/4/4/1
TitleDeclaration of Trust (and copy)
Description(1) Robert Barnard, Serjeant at Law, and Nicholas Pedley, Lincolns Inn, Middx., Esq. (2) Sir Thomas Cotton, Conington, Bart. Recites: (i) Indenture of 12 Nov. last by which F. Bagshaw and J. Blankes by desire of Basill Fitzherbert assigned to (1) by nomination of (2) and in trust for him all the residue of a term of 99 years of and in certain closes called The Great Walke, Stampalls Meadow, Thorlee, Allpitts and 2 meadows with all apps. in Gidding A. and Hamerton, for residue of term. (ii) (1)'s names being used in trust for (2) and the use of the said premises during residue of term ought to be disposed as according to the mind and will of (2) Now (1) in discharge of said trust reposed in them by and with the consent of (2) and by his appointment do declare that said premises with all apps. for remainder of term shall be disposed in manner hereafter expressed, i.e. To the use of Alice Cotton, youngest dau. of (2), until £1,000 be raised out of said premises for said Alice. After that is raised then for benefit of John Cotton, Esq., son and heir app. of (2) during his life. After his death for the benefit of John C. son and heir app. of said John C., and grandchild of (2) and of the lawful heirs male of said John C. the grandchild. If none to lawful heirs male of John C., son of (2). If none, to lawful heirs male of (2). Provided that all agree and declare that(2) may at any time revoke all the trusts herein conatined and also that (1) shall stand possessed of said premises during said term in trust for such persons as (2) shall declare. If no such declaration to use of right heirs of (2). Original Examined by me, Ni. Pedley. copy: Examined and compared with original, Nicholas Pedley.
Date12 Dec. 1659
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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