
AltRefNoCON 2/4/4/6
TitleQuitclaim; Dame Alice Monoux, widow and relict of Sir Humphery Monoux, late of Wooton, Beds., Bart, decd., and youngest dau. of Sir Thomas Cotton, late of Conington, Bart, decd. and Lewis Monoux, Grays Inn, Middx. Esq., and Philip Cotton, Little Conington, Cambs. - the exors. of the will of Sir Humphery Monoux.
DescriptionRecites: (i) Indenture of 12 Dec. 1659 in which Robt. Barnard; Nicholas Pedley; being by virtue of an indenture of 12 Nov. 1659 possessed for the residue of a term of 99 years, - for the uses and trusts declared in certain closes called the Great Walk, Stampalls Meadow, Thorloe, All Pitts and 2 meadows with apps. in Gidding A. and Hamerton to such uses and trusts for the said Sir Thomas and Sir John Cotton, as by the said Indenture and by Indenture of 4 July, 1644 and Deed Poll of 6 July, 1644, are declared, Barnard and Pedley did by the said indenture declare that the said closes and premises and rents thereof for the remainder of the term should be disposed. To the use of Dame Alice Monoux, by the name of Alice Cotton, youngest dau. of Sir Thomas C., till £1,000 should be raised as aforesaid, then for the benefit of John C., Esq., son and heir app. of the said Sir Thomas C. now Sir John C. (ii) Indenture of 25 Feb. 1677 by which Pedley gave Sir H. Monoux authority to enter upon the premises and take the rents etc. to his own use until he had received £1,000. (iii) In pursuance thereof Sir H. Monoux entered on the said premises and received from them most of the £1,000 and the residue due to him at his decease has been received by Lewis Monoux and Phillip Cotton. Now Alice Monoux, Lewis Monoux and Phillip Cotton do hereby acknowledge receipt of the said £1,000 and acquit and discharge Sir John C. and the said premises, and The Rev. Edw. Stillingfleet, D.D., Dean of St. Paul's, John Pedley, Queen's College, Univ. of Cambridge, gent and Susan Pedley, London, spinster, exors of the said Nicholas Pedley, for the same. And quitclaim to Sir John Cotton, Rev. Edw. Stillingfleet, John Pedley and Susan Pedley all the interest, title etc. in the said premises, in the recited indentures contained. (Not signed by Alice Monoux, but by the other 2)
Date29 Jul. 1687
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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