
AltRefNoCON 2/4/4/15
TitleMarriage Settlement (Lease and Release)
Description(1) Robert Cotton, Gidding, Esq. (2) John Cotton, son and heir app. of (1) and Jane, wife, and dau. of Sir Robt. Burdett, Bramcott, Warwicks, Bart. (3) Sir Robt. Burdett. Recites: (i) Settlement of 15 July, 1693, by which (1) is now tenant for life of the premises there mentioned with remainder to John Cotton in tail male, and in which (1) is granted permission to make a jointure for any woman he marries of part of the Manors and premises therein conveyed, not exceeding £400 p.a., for her life in lieu of dower; John Cotton can do the same: to use of the said woman. (ii) Recent marriage of John and Jane Cotton, before which it was agreed that the hereinafter mentioned premises - £400 p.a., should be conveyed for a jointure to Jane and also towards a present maintenance for (2) and their issue. Now in pursuance of above, and in consideration of Jane's marriage portion, John Cotton, with consent of (1), appoints for a jointure and maintenance for her in case she survives him: Mansion House in Gidding with apps; lands in Gidding - Cow Close with apps. and adjoining 6a., 50a. in Common fields; Ley Close (16a); The Wakelyne and Wakelyne Meadow (80a.); Round Meadow; Hanghill and Hanghill Meadows (above 80a.); Great Cow Pasture; Little Cow Pasture; Ashwell Leyes meadow, with homestead and close; Church close; Newells' Close; Townesend Close; Gregoryes Close; and all lands in Denton, Folkesworth and Caldecott belonging to (1) or John Cotton, with rents issues and profits of all lands mentioned. And for 5/- paid by (3) to (1) and John Cotton, they release to (3), in possession by bargain and sale of yesterday. Lands before mentioned, with rents and profits and all title etc. of (1) and John Cotton to them. To the following uses: To John Cotton for life. After his death to Jane Cotton for life for jointure. After death of survivor of (2) to their heirs in tail male. If none to (1) for 99 years, then to uses declared in the settlement. (1) releases to John Cotton the power whereby (1) may appoint any part of the aforesaid premises for a jointure for any wife of his.
Date5/6 Oct. 1711
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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