
AltRefNoCON 2/4/5/4
TitleDemise for a Term
Description(1) John Cotton, Stratton, Beds., Esq. (2) Sir Robert Cotton, Steeple Gidding, Bart. and Dame Sarah Cotton, his wife. (3) Robert Pulleyn, St. Neots, Esq. Thomas Bowdler, City of London, Esq. For a release of even date made between Sir Robt. Cotton and (1) whereby Sir Robt. C. has released to (1) all his right, title and interest in and to a certain annuity of £300 p.a. payable by (1) to Sir Robt. C. in lieu of Cotton House, Westminster and also for the settling and assuring of a competent joynture and maintenance for the said Dame Sarah Cotton during her life. For 5/- paid to (1) by (3), (1) demises to (3) in trust: Manor and lands in Conington with apps. For 99 years. For securing the payment of the annuity of £300 p.a. to Dame Sarah C. for life after the decease of Sir Robt. C. Term to cease on the death of Dame Sarah. and premises to remain to (1). Endorsement: Recites that term was going to be assigned to a trustee, as the manor and lands is conveyed to Sir John Heathcote of Normanton, Rutland, Bart. but before the assignment was executed Dame Sarah died. John Willson, Bath, sendler, nephew and executor of Dame Sarah C., acknowledges payment of all arrears of the said annuity and all demands on account paid up to the death of Dame Sarah so trusts of the said term are fully discharged.
Date18 May, 1744
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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