
AltRefNoCON 2/4/5/5
Description(1) Sir Robert Cotton, Steeple Gidding, Bart. (2) John Cotton, Stratton, Beds., Esq., son and heir of (1). Recites: (i) Act of 5 Anne - Act for the Better Servicing Her Majesties Purchase of Cotton House, Westminster, by which (1) on death of Sir John C., Bart, his nephew, became entitled to a certain rent charge of £300 p.a., payable out of lands of late Sir John C. in Hunts or Beds, in lieu of Cotton House. (ii) Lands of late Sir John C. becoming vested by his will in (2), and chargeable with the said payment to (1) from the death of Sir John C., decd. (iii) For better provision of Dame Sarah C. wife of (1), in case she survives him, (2), at request of (1), and on his agreement to relinquish right to said rent charge, hath by indenture of even date conveyed and settled all his lands in Conington, in trustees, to pay annuity to Dame Sarah for life in lieu of all dower. Now (1) to (2) All sums of money due to (1) for the said rent charge and all title of (1) to said rent charge or monies due thereon, from death of Sir John C. to 25 March last.
Date18 May, 1744
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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