
AltRefNoCON 2/4/6/13
TitleAssignment of Bond and Quitclaim
Description(1) Edward Maria Wingfield, Keiston, Hunts., Esq. (2) Sir Thomas Cotton, Conington, Bart. Recites: Indenture of 24 June, 1640 by which Sir Arthur Smithes gave power of attorney to (1). Now (1) assigns to (2) the bond entered into by (1) and John Cotton to Sir Arthur Smithes and any actions arising on it. (1) agrees with (2) that (1) and Sir Arthur Smithes will at request and cost of (2) acknowledge satisfaction in discharge of any judgement had on the said bond. (1) to (2) for £200 paid to (1) in part of the damage to (1) by John Cotton, though (2) not bound to pay John Cotton's debts, quitclaims under said bond. (1) agrees with (2) all suits under the said bond to cease and no suit to be prosecuted against (2) or the exors. of any part of the estate of Thomas Cotton, late of Steeple Gidding, Esq., decd. or of Mary Cotton, his late wife, decd.
Date30 Jan. 1644
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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