
AltRefNoCON 3/1/1/15
Description(1) The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Naunton, Kt., Master of His Highness Court of Wards and Liveries and Sir Beniamyn Rudyerd Kt. Surveyor of the same liveries on behalf of the King. (2) Thomas Cotton now Bart, son and heir of Sir Robert Cotton, Kt. and Bart, decd. Recites the King having agreed to grant to (2) a special livery of all the manors, lands etc. which (2) inherited from his father, nevertheless so that the King should not be deceived but have perfect knowledge of all those lordships etc. and their yearly value. (2) has delivered to (1) today. Annexed indenture containing all the lordships and their yearly value. (2) covenants with (1) that auditors should be appointed to value the same. If any lordships are omitted or are of greater yearly value than is said then the King to be truly satisfied of yearly value of same. (2) to pay to the King for concealment the double of one year's value of those manors etc. (2) not to disturb any tenant in dower or for term of life of jointure. Attached: Valuation of yearly value of lands of 2. which descended to him after the death of his father, Sir Robt., on May 6 1631, as appears by an inquisition post mortem taken at Huntingdon on ? July, 1631 and by livery granted to him on 4 Feb, 1632. Comprises: Manor of Conington with apps., advowson of Conington church, 3 messuages, 200 acres land, 100 acres meadow, 100 acres pasture, and a free fishery called Botesgate in water called Whitlesmere with apps. in Conington, Holme and Glatton, which were formerly purchased of Sir Richard Williams alias Cromwell and of John Parris by Thos. Cotton Esq., grandfather of the aforesaid Robt. Cotton. And 10 messuages, 6 tofts, 200 acres land, 40 acres meadow, and 40 acres pasture with apps. in Conington which were formerly purchased of the Master, Fellows and Scholars of Trinity College, Cambridge by the aforesaid Thos Cotton, the grandfather. And 1 windmill, 2 dovecotes, 8 gardens, 500 acres meadow, 1500 acres pasture, 1600 acres marsh with apps in Connington. Yearly value £15.16.8d. Increase of value by survey of tenants 5¾. Yearly value of land bought from Trinity College, £10. Survey of Freeholders £17; Survey of tenants £5. Aforesaid premises in Conington held of the king £22. Survey of tenants: £8; In possession: £53.6.8d; Total: £80; In reversion: £26.13.4d. Done by Ben Rudyard. (with translation and transcript)
Date23 Apr. 1632
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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