
AltRefNoCON 3/1/7/2
TitleLetters of Attestation; From Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury, (the See of Lincoln being vacant).
DescriptionRecites: exposition having been made on the part of Sir Robert Cotton, Kt. patron of the Rectory and parish church of Conington in the deanery of Yaxley, and Henry Williamson, clerk, Bach. in Divinity, present rector of the parish church of Conington, to the effect that the Rectory house of Conington had become dilapidated and the Glebe land unidentified. And that Lord James Harrington, Kt., and Thomas Cotton, Esq., then patrons of the said Rectory and William Roe, clerk, then Rector, with the consent of the late Rev. Wm. Wickham, Bishop of Lincoln, assigned, by mutual consent, in compensation for said dilapidated Rectory and lands, a certain other mansion-house suitable for a Rectory, and 37a. of fruitful enclosed land, belonging and adjacent to the same house with all apps. next to the high road to Conington on the south, the road from York to London on the east, Tadbrooke Close on the north, and a plantation or grove within the said parish on the north-east. Which house and lands William Roe and Henry Williamson freely possessed and converted to their use. Now Sir Robert Cotton and Henry Williamson wish the assignation of the said house and lands to be confirmed as the Rectory and Glebe land for the use of the present Rector and his successors for ever. Sir Robt. Cotton and heirs renounce all right in premises except Advowson and presentation of Rectory when vacant. Henry Williamson and successors accepts new premises and renounces all claim in the old (tithes only excepted). Old premises to revert to Sir Robt. Cotton and heirs. Both parties ask for Archbishop's confirmation of their agreement. Archbishop, as Ordinary of the Church of Conington (by reason of the vacancy of the See of Lincoln), confirms their agreement.
Date10 Jun. 1608
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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